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⚠ Warning!
Mention of: blood
- a lot of killing

Yg: You really had the audacity to laugh at your lover and everyone else huh?

Taehyung chuckled once more, he then grab the bottle of blood and poured it on a glass. He took a sip, and sighed satisfied. He then faced Yoongi and said...

T: I feel bad for the love of my life but.... The way everyone else reacted is just kinda funny for me...

Yg: seriously? Look, what are you doing Taehyung?

T: let's not waste time here, I have to go. I'll be back before anyone wakes up....and while I'm gone, you have a mission


T: you'll have to keep everyone away from this room, and don't tell everyone that I'm gone, especially Jungkook.... I don't want to stress him more

Yg: you don't want to stress him? What you are doing right now is stressing him even more... He even felt bad about something he didn't do... You overly did your acting at the helicopter, too realistic, that even I got fooled...

Taehyung just chuckled and sip another blood from the glass.

T: admit it, I'm good in acting right?

Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows, Yoongi just rolled his eyes and sighed.

T: anyways... I have to go I'll be back before dawn

Yg: where are you going by the way?

T: I just need to teach those assholes how to play the real game...

And with that, Taehyung flew out of the window along with his jaguar. Yoongi just face-palmes himself. Thinking what's going on with his bestfriend.

Taehyung on the other hand drove his car towards a specific place. He was with his Jaguar inside the car, jamming into some music before going into the real action.

T: you should've just stayed home and look after Kookie...

Taehyung said, talking to his jaguar. Yeontan looked at him like he was also making a reason why he should come with his Master. Taehyung chuckled as if understanding his pet.

T: alright, alright don't whine... And don't look at me like that....I know, I know... You wanted to feast from enemies again...

Taehyung rolled his eyes at his pet, while the jaguar rolled his eye as well and turned around. And with Taehyung focused on driving.

After a couple of minutes later, he finally arrived at the place. It was a warehouse where some of his father's underlings stays.

Taehyung went out of his car, with his cold intimidating self. He cracked his knuckles before going inside the building.

Man1: w-what are you doing here! You are not a-allowed here!

The man shouted as he saw Taehyung walking towards them. They already knew Taehyung, that's why they were trembling right now.

But they kept their persona as they don't want to be humiliated. Taehyung snapped his head and looked at him dead in the eyes.

The man gulped and pulled his gun trigger. He was about to shoot when Taehyung suddenly was Infront of him, and holding the gun.

The man's leg was shaking in fear as he saw Taehyung's now red eyes. He tried to shoot but the gun wasn't working.

Just then Taehyung opened his hand, and the man's eye widen as he saw the bullets were already at the vampire prince's hand.

T: guess you weren't fast enough

Taehyung didn't wait for the man to answer back as he twisted his arm causing it to break.

The man screamed because of the pain, giving Taehyung an opportunity to put his gun with a silencer on the man's mouth and shoot it.

Blood was oozing out from the man's body as he lays dead on the ground. Taehyung smirked and got inside.

As he got inside everyone's gun was pointed at him. His face wasn't showing any reaction, but cold and intimidating.

All of the men inside were scared, but they have to fight the Prince. And so they started shooting their guns at the vampire Prince.

Taehyung and his jaguar immediately went into action. They all dodged the bullets thrown at them, as they fastly pass some of them while killing them at the same time.

Breaking of bones, screams of pain, and terror were the only ones heard inside the building, everyone was fighting for their lives, while the vampire prince slaughter them one by one.

More than hundred men were killed by the Prince and his jaguar without even sweating.

Dead bodies of vampires and humans were laying in their own pool of blood.

And lastly before Taehyung walked out. He left an envelope on top of a lifeless body. And with that he left with a smirk on his face.

A couple of hours after Taehyung left, Joonkyu and the King arrived at the building. And as they walk in, all they saw were dead underlings.

Joonkyu greeted his teeth while the King immediately saw an envelope that has blood splattered on it, and has the sign of the tiger.

He immediately knew it was from his son

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He immediately knew it was from his son. He chuckled lowly and opened the envelope, as he opened it he saw a note that says...

 He chuckled lowly and opened the envelope, as he opened it he saw a note that says

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Mr.K: prepare for the worst, Vampire Prince...

That was all the king have to say. He is now angry and can't let Taehyung, his own son disrespect him like this.

He felt humiliated, he is angry at Taehyung and will definitely get revenge. Thinking, if he can't kill his own son, then he'll kill his son's weakness.

So that, that weakness will eventually kill him, slowly and painfully.
Please read!
Hi guys to clarify something, on the last chapter, I wrote "the only thing that could kill vampire's are poison" I just meant the only vampire's were the King and the Prince. But the other's they can easily be killed by peircing their heart with something like knives or bullets.
Anyways that's it for today guys. See you in the next chapter, so please stay tune. Also I'd like to thank everyone for supporting this book, and I hope you all are doing great and are healthy and safe. Please take care everyone :)

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