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In these past few weeks, Taehyung had been surprising Jungkook every chance he gets. And it always makes the younger feel special.

One time Taehyung brought home Jungkook's favorite idols, BTS. Jungkook was so shock seeing his idols in their living room. Jungkook thanked Taehyung so much that time that he let him kiss him on the lips.

Last month, Taehyung held a popcorn party because Jungkook was craving it. The younger thought it was too much, but he enjoyed it a lot along with their friends.

And celebrating Jungkook's 2 months in pregnancy, Taehyung brought him to Greece, and they spent a week there, just the two of them.

And last 2 days ago, Taehyung bought a whole ice cream company just because Jungkook wants a big banana Sunday. Jungkook didn't want it, but Taehyung already bought and payed it by cash, so Jungkook can't do anything about it.

And yesterday, Taehyung surprised Jungkook by bringing a truck, Jungkook thought it was food or something. But inside it are beautiful flowers, Jungkook's favourite flower to be exact.

But what Jungkook loves the most about Taehyung's surprises for him, is that, the older never made him feel that he is doing this out of guilt.

Taehyung always made him feel that, everything the vampire did for him is what he deserves, and what he is worth of.

Jungkook felt good, he felt euphoric, thinking that there is someone who is loving him, the way he didn't expect.

They finally understood that 'unknown' feeling both of them felt before. Love.

Being inlove with someone makes you a better version of your self. Makes you a better person, and changes your perspectives about LOVE.

It's beautiful. Love is beautiful, it makes you see how powerful love is, and how amazing it feels to be in love with someone, right.

And everyday, Jungkook pray's that this feeling wouldn't fade, and that he wants to feel that euphoric feeling of being inlove for a thousand years.

And Jungkook is waiting for what's about to happen next. What surprises will Taehyung do.

As of now, Jungkook just woke up by himself. Confused on why the vampire didn't wake him up with his sweet forehead kisses and his deep morning voice.

Instead, he woke up on his own seeing a tray with food on it. A note and a boquette.

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Jungkook smiled while reading the letter, and smelling the bouquet after that

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Jungkook smiled while reading the letter, and smelling the bouquet after that. He then looked at the food and laughed  as he remembers what Taehyung said on the note.

Jungkook smiled sweetly seeing what  Taehyung has prepared for him

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Jungkook smiled sweetly seeing what  Taehyung has prepared for him. He even peeled the fruits and cleaned them throughly.

He then fixed himself on the bed and started devouring the food his vampire made.

On the other hand...

Taehyung was in the main headquarters, along with Hoseok, and Yoongi. Since Namjoon, Seokjin and Yoonji stayed at the mansion to look for Jungkook.

They are having a meeting about their businesses in Italy, because it is having some crisis due to the government there.

T: what was that again?

Y: they are kidnapping koreans, then transport them to Italy to become prostitutes.... Again...

Jh: why do they love koreans?

Hoseok asked sighing because of frustration.

Y: we'll apparently, koreans don't age much... And well, they said we have smooth skin, and as white as milk... I...... I don't know what to do about this information...

All of them were very frustrated, since this problem has been going on for years and years.

Jh: Yoongi, weren't you there last year to take care of this matter?

Y: yeah... But those government officials still wanted to take down our clubs so as our hotels.... Master Taehyung, what are we gonna do?

Jh: yeah, just tell us... And we'll do it immediately

Taehyung sighed, his face was resting on his palms. And he can't focus well, because he was thinking of Jungkook.

But he knew to himself that he has to take care of this first, before he could go home.

T: I'll go to Italy tonight, then come home tomorrow... I'll take care of this matter. Just prepare Yeontan, I'll take him with me.

Y: Master, let us come with you... It'll be better if-

T: whose gonna take care of Jungkook?...i don't want to leave him alone, without my trusted men...and that's you guys

Y: why not bring him along?

Jh: yeah right? We could pretend that we're having a vacation, at the same time take care of the problem...

My Vampire, And His Lies | taekookff Where stories live. Discover now