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After that day, Taehyung didn't let Jungkook go to work anymore, as he himself as well didn't go to work either.

Jungkook is almost 9 months pregnant, and his tummy has grown really big, that Taehyung is scared it might pop the moment he touches it.

Jungkook was endeard by how Taehyung treats him, the vampire would comply to what Jungkook ask everytime, even if it means he'll go out at night to satisfy his husband's cravings.

Taehyung would also complain because he can't hug the younger closer anymore, because his belly acts as barricade. Jungkook would just liagh at him, when he pouts and tries to get closer while being gentle at the same time.

But besides taking care of the younger, Taehyung was still working on how to take his father down.

He knew the old man had been tolerating his act everytime, but this time, Taehyung's having his own child, which means taking the golden power further from him for the second time.

And Taehyung can't let that happen, he wanted to protect his child and his husband, especially now that Jungkook is close to giving birth.

Thinking of possible outcomes, and what if's, going back and forth, and having headaches which he endured all this time. He finally had a great plan, that he thinks would work. Hopefully.

Taehyung called his trusted men inside the meeting room, and one by one they arrived. And as they were complete they all sat down ready to listen to their boss.

T: I called you here for a very important task. You all know my father is our biggest enemy, and I had enough of his unfair games...we've been quite for a long time now, I think it's time to bring out our inner best once again.

Nj: What doss this mean? Are we going to fight them?

T: exactly...I cannot wait for any longer, my husband is going to give birth, and my father's hands had been itching for my son's golden gift. He'd kill anyone who gets close to that power, and knowing him whom tried killing me not just once but a hundred times through my lifetime, I know he'll be putting my son to that hell, just to get what he wanted....Since he's our biggest enemy, I'm gonna use my family as a reason to kill him....and I need each of your help, let's end his wrongdoings and evilness this way...

Yg: Master Taehyung, let me remind you, that every plan has its pros and cons...everyone will eventually get involved by this....that also means, Namjoon and Seokjin hyung's relationship, Hoseok and Yoonji's, Jimin and Miya my family, they will get involved by this

T: I know that, that's why I thought about my plan for a couple of days...our families won't be the center of attention, and in need of protection once the war starts...our enimies attentions will avert towards us, "their targets".....we will lure them away from our families, and battle somewhere else, somewhere where majority of the population wouldn't be affected...

Jh: Master, where could that be? no matter how we look at the biggest picture here, there are still many innocent being who will get affected by this...

T: where?.... remember the island I bought? that's 7 hours away from Seoul by car, 3 hours and a half by helicopter...the time it will take when we will take cars as transportation, it'll give us enough time to hide our loved ones in a safer shelter, that way the enimies will focus on us...

Yj: yeah, okay that's cool....so, uhmm....what is the real plan here?

Taehyung chuckled listening to the question. He then looked at Yoonji and said...

T: give them one of their own specialty.... Manipulation.


After they talked about the plan, Taehyung immediately went back to their room, only to find Jungkook crying. He immediately went up to him worried.

T: what's wrong love? are you hurt?

Jungkook shook his head no, Taehyung sighed in relief thinking it must just be pregnancy hormones.

He sat at the bed, beside the younger and wiped his face with his thumbs, he then kissed his forehead, nose both of his cheeks, and then his lips. Taehyung also kissed the younger's tummy.

T: why are you crying my love?

Jk: I just realized, we haven't shop anything for the baby yet....we also haven't prepared his room...

Taehyung looked at Jungkook dumfoundedly. The younger was right, they haven't prepared anything for the baby yet.

Taehyung was so busy about the whole "Mr. Kim had made a wrong choice" thing, that he haven't thought of building a crib for his prince yet.

Taehyung cursed under his breath, and sighed. He then looked at Jungkook and said...

T: okay love.... we're going shopping today hmm?...don't worry about anything okay?.....stop crying now my love

Jungkook giggled when Taehyung started attacking him with kisses.

Jk: okay, okay, I've stopped crying...cut it off hubby...

Hearing the pet name given to him, Taehyung couldn't help but feel butterflies in his stomach, although his face is looking pale, his ears and his neck turned red.

T: alright, go get ready love...I'll be waiting for you at my office okay?

Jungkook nodded his head, Taehyung kissed his lips for the last time before sending the younger to the bathroom.
Hey guys, only more than 5 chapters left until this book will end. I hope you guys like this story, I am really thankful to each and everyone who supported this book. I hope everyone are having a great day, and are healthy as well as happy. Please stay safe everyone.❤️

My Vampire, And His Lies | taekookff Where stories live. Discover now