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They finally arrived at Italy after along 12 hours and a half, flight. Jungkook was exhausted, even though Taehyung did all the carrying him from home, airport, plane, and in Italy.

Jungkook actually woke up on the plane, but to Taehyung's surprise Jungkook didn't get shock seeing himself on Taehyung's lap.

Jungkook just nozzle more, and slept more after being awake for about 1 minute. He didn't even bother to eat those bananas Taehyung ordered.

And right now, they are infront of Taehyung's mansion...

Taehyung was walking in the middle, still carrying Jungkook, while his jaguar was on his side

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Taehyung was walking in the middle, still carrying Jungkook, while his jaguar was on his side.

All his underlings were carrying some boxes with weapons, and some were just guarding around. The maids were bowing as they line up on the sides while Taehyung walks pass them.

One guard opened the front door, as Taehyung entered. He directly went to the bedroom to lay Jungkook, and let him sleep for a while.

Though Taehyung was tired and just wanted to lay beside the younger and cuddle him, he knew he can't, for now.

Taehyung felt a little disappointed in himself because he can't be there for mate who's nesting right now. But Taehyung promised himself that he would be back as soon as he can.

And with that, he leaned down and kissed the younger's forehead, as well as his stomach and whispered...

"papa will be back in a while, I promise... So don't give mama a hard time okay?"

He pecked Jungkook's stomach one more time, he then stared at Jungkook and went out of the room.

After walking down the stairs, he directly went to the living room where some of his men, and his friends were waiting.

He didn't waste any second, and as soon as he saw them he immediately started talking while getting closer and sat on the couch.

T: alright, change of plans... Let's not talk to those bastards, Yoongi I need you to lead two groups and immediately get rid of those traitors... Hoseok and Yoinji you'll save those victims get them out of there no matter what, I'll be with the manager.... Namjoon you'll be here with Jin, I need you too look after Jungkook and get everything he wants here's my card use it to buy anything for him...and watch out for my dad, I know he has eyes looking for me everywhere I go...

Yg: w-wait... Master Tae, what's all this? Why are we taking this too fast? Isn't it risky?

Jh: yeah... This is a little too fast, besides we have a lot of time here...

Yj: Hobi is right Master... We have a week left to take care of this so why do we have to hury?

T: listen, Jungkook is nesting right now, he'll whine without my contact and I'm sure he is right now... I have to take this risk because I want to  be with Jungkook all through out this nesting session, so we'll finish this mission ti'll tonight. And there are no room for mistakes, do you understand?

My Vampire, And His Lies | taekookff Where stories live. Discover now