12, Slight🔞

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Yoongi didn't know what Taehyung was upto now. But to his curiosity, he nodded.

Both Taehyung and Yoongi walked, far away from them. They exited the ballroom, and walked through the hallways.

And as Taehyung made sure that they were far enough, he suddenly pushed Yoongi to the side. He held his neck and was pressing it hard, choking Yoongi.

T: what the hell are you up to!

Taehyung whispered yell. His voice was hinting anger. Yoongi knew, an angry Taehyung, is a dangerous Taehyung. And he wouldn't spare a friend.

Y: Y-you didn't made Jungkook.... Your date... Dumbass!... And why would I leave a pretty behind?...

Yoongi answerd struggling. Everyone knew Taehyung hate liars. And it's definitely not a good idea to lie. But Yoongi did anyways.

Y: because.. I... Like J-jungkook...

Taehyung's ear ringed hearing those words from his bestfriend. He didn't expect Yoongi to say that, to him.

He let go of Yoongi, and without any word he walked off. His mind was blanked and he didn't understand why.

He wanted to keep Jungkok from everyone, but he didn't know what was the reason. He was just planning on sleeping with the younger and see how well he is.

Taehyung thought that, it's the only reason why he didn't let anybody touch the younger. Because he wanted to be the one touching him first.

And without a second thought. He went back to the ballroom, to get Jungkook and do what he wanted to do.

He went back to their table, and just grabbed Jungkook's hand and led him to one of the hotel's suite.

Jungkook just followed him, confused on what are they going to do in a hotel suite. But when they got there, Taehyung did what Jungkook didn't expect.

Taehyung just smashed his lips against the younger, and took off his suit. He pushed the younger against the wall, and took off his top by harshly tearing it apart.

The buttons flew through the air, Jungkook gasp making Taehyung enter his tongue, to the younger's mouth easily.

Jungkook was trying to cover him self, but Taehyung grabbed both of his wrist and pinned it to the wall with his one hand.

Taehyung's kiss got harsher, rougher and harder. Jungkook can clearly tell that it was all lust.

He didn't feel any comfort and love in it. It's pure lust. He wanted to stop Taehyung but he can't, the older was so strong, considering that he is a vampire, and Jungkook is only a human.

Taehyung red the younger's thoughts, and as he read through it. He got disappointed in himself.

Is he too harsh, is he making this quick. Those are all in Taehyung's mind. And as guilt rush through him, and another unknown feeling.

He slowly kissed Jungkook, with this anonymous feeling. It's soft, and it's like full of butterflies in a garden of beautiful dandelions.

Jungkook felt it, he felt those magical, fairy-dust like, sprinkling inside of him. Its like ticklish but wonderful. It's beautiful.

He slowly melts into the kiss, and as seconds pass by, both of them felt like they were floating on cloud 9.

To Taehyung, Jungkook's lips were like drugs. As he was taking him slowly, the more he gets addicted to it. And no treatment nor rehab could fix it.

Taehyung just wanted to embrace the younger right now. He just wanted to hold Jungkook against his arms.

And so he did. He slowly, let go of Jungkook's hand from pinning it, he was afraid the younger might run away. But to his glad he didn't.

They were still kissing each other, passionately. And as a minute passed by, Taehyung tapped Jungkook's leg, signaling him to jump.

Jungkook didn't know what got into him, but he complied. He jumped, making Taehyung catch him, Jungkook legs were now around the older hips. His arm were on Taehyung's shoulder, as his hands was playing with the older's hair.

While Taehyung's left hand was on the younger's big ass, while his right hand was on Jungkook's waist.

As time passes by, the atmosphere was getting hotter, the sexual tension between them was getting stronger. And the kiss was getting rougher.

Taehyung but Jungkook's bottom lips, making Jungkook moan in pain and pleasure. The vampire directly put his tounge inside the beauty's.

Taehyung was exploring the younger's hot caverns, enjoying every inch of it. While the younger was just moaning in this sweet pleasurable feeling.

Taehyung pulled out from their kiss, as he went down to the Jungkook's neck, the younger tilt his head giving Taehyung more access.

Taehyung sucked, bit, and thew butterfly kisses on the younger's neck, creating a beautiful piece of art. Making Jungkook moan, hard, feeling his breath got heavy.

Taehyung pulled off and went back to Jungkook's lips. And slowly, he walk to the bed and laying, the younger there without breaking the kiss.

Taehyung hovered over Jungkook and didn't give him time to breath, as he directly went to the younger's nipples and sucked it hard.

Jungkook arc his back in pleasure, grasping Taehyung's hair as he was moaning his name.

Jk: s-sir.... Ugh tae.... Taehyungie, mmmhhhugh.

Taehyung smirked hearing his name, escape the youngers's pretty mouth. He then brought his hand to play with the youngers's other nipple.

After a couple of seconds, Taehyung moved down to the younger's stomach, he was peppering it with soft kisses and licks, creating a hicky at the same time.

Taehyung felt hot, he felt like bursting as the room was now hot, despite having an air con.

He stopped kissing the younger, as he stood up taking his top off. And only left with his pants.

Jungkook looked at him and stopped working, as he stared at the older's well built body. His collar, his necks, his adams apple, his broad shoulders, his muscular arms, and his defined abs. Was making Jungkook crazy and suddenly just moaned in high pitch.

Taehyung chuckled as he saw how a mess the younger is under him. And he liked it. He then took off his belt, and showed to the younger saying.

T: master wanted to be kinky tonight... My dear.

His voice was huscky and deep. Hinting dominance, sending shivers down Jungkook spine.

And so it started...

My Vampire, And His Lies | taekookff Where stories live. Discover now