%! THE 5 STAGES ! %

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They say there are 5 Stages of Grief 

1. Denial                                                                                                                                                                                     2.Bargaining                                                                                                                                                                               3. Depression                                                                                                                                                                            4. Anger                                                                                                                                                                                        5. Acceptance 

Marcus POV: 

After a few Hours We reached school we all went out of the car I was the one who got out first then Saya we both looked at each other then I nodded then Saya turn around to the car that was about to leave but Saya knocked at the window Y/n rolled the windows down and hummed then I went closer to Saya and y/n then Saya spoke " you wanna come in  this is some good shit to talk about" then I added " and its your Time to meet new Shitty people" then she said "  what every i could use some company" then Saya smiled at said " then lets GO" she went out of the car and shut and lock the door once we went in with y/n Lin called us  then we three turn around and called us " Marcus Saya and Saya number 2" then y/n corrected him " y/n" then he said " come" we three exchanged looks then listen we followed him then we saw Maria Lex Luke  Billy  Then Y/n asked " okay who are these assholes" then Lin looked at me and I  nod then I  took a deep breath and said  " that's Luke Lex Maria Billy then me and Saya looked at each other and went to the others behind Lin then Lin said to her "sit" then y/n said " are you forcing me or Do I have a choice- oh okay "  she sat down in the chair facing Lin and us behind him standing.

Y/n POV: 

I took a seat then Lin asked me some question "  do you go here" then I said " no" Lin asked " why are you here" " I don't know" " why are you in here" " cause Saya Said so" then  there no more question asked Lin looked at Saya then I spoke " she is my HALF BLOOD sister" Then Lin looked at me " very well your training starts Tomorrow" He said then I asked "Training?" then Lin spoke " Training against the Dark art" "I Don't even go to this shit whole" and then I sniffed AND SAID " and- This room smells like Shit Covered with piss" then Lin stand up I was tide in a chair by the way and then Lin spoke To Saya " A badass" then Lin looked at me then said " keep it up" then he he left while saying " Untie her" then Billy was going near me but I said " one more step close  your dead to me."   then Billy step back I nudge the rope and stand up then Maria spoke " welcome to the shit hole" then Lin rushed back Billy went back to the others and Lin For no Fucking reason Slap Me I Blast my eyes open and said " I'm sorry but WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR" then Lin sat down again the others look Confused and Lin just asked me " what are the five stages of Grief " then I Wide open my eyes thinking that he slap me for that then I said "  Denial, Bargening , Anger, Depression , Acceptance." then he said " Good luck" then he left then I Looked so confused I looked at them They shrug then Saya went close to me and said  " Lets go ill bring you to your Dorm" I stand up and then I said " I'm just going to pretend that Convo never Happened" Then I walked out of the room That smelled like cock shit and Followed Saya.



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