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weakness comes from every power of knowledge It Can come to  the Brain or the Heart But it seems Like one person cant Act knowledge Her Weakness or straight.        

TW: Blood Killing Harm 

Narrators POV:            

Y/n got back home with bullet shot in her Chest IT was an Agony But what she saw was worst she saw her Sister Marcus Billy  Petra  laying in the floor well Dead? I don't know y/n grab an Epipen or in another word a shot Injection she did it to everyone In the room but  Not Marcus It seems like Maria Got it Under control once everyone starts to wake up y/n stomped In her and Maria's  Room  her Vision started to get dizzy she grab a blade and cut her wrist her vision started to go back she Locked the door And slide back In the door and close her eyes and took a deep breath she took of her Shirt and saw her bleeding  she took a pill and she  put a cloth around her mouth and then she Grab the Blade again And put the full knife through Her wrist and deepen It In Enough for the end of the blade to Went Through.

then she heard a knock she Heard Saya's voice The girl Took the knife out and put on a wrist and Hand Plaster then she got Dressed and Opened the Door then Y/n said " Hey what's up?" then Saya Looked at Her and said " Are you okay Have  been looking for you" then Y/n said " say's the one who was Dead while I was gone" then Saya Shrug then Y/n question's " why are you mad at Maria" then Saya shot her eyes open wide The she said  " Nothing nothing We are going back home In 2 weeks.

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