-_-_-_-=DO I WANNA KNOW?=-_-_-_-

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we arrived the Red room



We entered the Car We had to Drove Like 600 Miles to there They all fell asleep that night then I Fell asleep.

the next thing I knew I was In a Room my Vision was Kinda Blurry I stood Up from the bed and saw 3 dudes in a  science suit I don't know if its  Dudes But... I Got up and saw Camila In a Bed Laying down   Looked at Myself I was Shirtless I was Naked 

I cover myself with the sheets and I saw a USB beside me I took It just In case.

I dont know if this is the red room I saw what Camila was Talking about The Hearts And Circle I Grab the Sheets and I saw Some Old clothes Before they could ever see me I Put on the Clothes ad Ran out the door Then That's where  I saw a Maze It was like a Tunnel I Didn't care much I ran Into the Left one.

Then While I was running I heard a Beep I Hid Beside the wall Then A Blonde Woman Barge In the Door I closed My eyes shut The Blonde  Woman had a Russian Blood I can tell It by her voice Then The Girl Grab Her ear pears and Said " Clear" Then I saw A big man Walk in then I saw  her... 


we where in the hele Then Y/n went to the Back and Grab a Light Shape shirting Mask then An ear pic and gave one to me I We shape Shift face Hers was mine and mine was hers We arrive I hand Alexie's an ear Pic and we Drop leaving the  hele by its own  

Y/n who was using my face as me Barge in the door then She Signaled us "clear We all got in" then IN my side I can hear foot steps I Grab my gun just for In case and Kept Walking Not soon enough some guards Attacked us I Pull the trigger hitting a Guard then While I Grab the Gun Y/n Finished all the guards and Land on a Pose 

then I teased " Poser" Then We ran But while where Running around the Maze We bumped Into a Group.

a Curly Brown Hair a Woman Holding a Katana Another curly but it was a Boy with uh- well dwarf Clothes and a Bald guy well he looks like he wants a Fight  a Blonde spike hair and Shee fu? 

and another Blonde but curly hair? and some Guys Behind The Bald Guys.

then Y/n as Using my face said " Guys?!" then she Transformed Back from the Mask and then The boy with a Spike hair said " wait you have another Twin?" I rolled my eyes and Transformed Back to My own Face Then The Dude Curly Hair Ran up to Y/n and said " your Back" then She softly smiled I clear My through and said  "hello Who are there People" 

then Shee Fu said   " IM Lin Master Lin  The head Of King Dominos" then i said "   I'm going To call you Shee Fu Ok then Spike Blondie said " Billy" then Curly Blond said " Brandy"  then Kata girl said " Saya Kuroki" then Curly Brown hair said " Maria" and then Curly boy said " Marcus Marcus Lopez"  

alright  then.

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