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Brother Do you have a Brother? Well I Have And let me Tell you He was supportive ASF he always Stood up from everyone who Dares To Bully me and my sister Y/n OH Why are you shock Its only the  First Book There are Many more To come

-Camila Chan 

"Thinking about y/n all Night" 



Camila  woke up With Valerian she just realized that she  was Cuddling Him all night but then she Remember that Her sister Just Died But she wasn't that Bummed Cause she knows that she will be back she said it her self And promise is a Promise.

then Valerian Woke Up From his slumber And said " Morning Love Munchkin How did You sleep?" then Camila Just Dug her Head In Valerian's crook Of his neck then He Rubbed Her Back to make her feel Better then Camila asked " How Did we end up cuddling?" then Valerian Let out a small Chuckle And said "You fell asleep In my shoulder Love then I was Going to leave you in the bed but you kept Pulling my arm And saying Sleep with me Val" then Camila looked at Valerian and Dug her head Deeper In the crook of His neck and Leaving love bites In the back of his neck Then Valerian Moan While Camila is sucking On his neck

"Uh-ugh Camila I- *moans* " then Camila said " Shh Just a few more Seconds"

Then Camila Pulled away from Valerian And Kissed His Cheek then Val asked "what was that for?" then Camila said " tag" then She giggled Then They stood up he help Camila Stand up then They went to the Kitchen and saw the Others but Not Marcus Yes Marcus Lopez.


I woke up but didn't felt like getting up until i heard a Voice It sounded like Y/n but in the Other hand I Thought it was Camila  So I Ignored It But then I Saw a Hand In My Side arm Patting me I Looked at the hand and Saw Three Rings I knew It was Y/n. 

I turned around and saw Y/n Like an Angel Just fell From Heaven I stood up and held her Cheeks then Whispered " Y/n Is that Really You Or am I dreaming" then A tear Fell from her Cheeks I wiped it away and she spoke " Find  me Marcus Please" hearing the word Please from her Own Mouth Made me Desperate in my Soul Giving me The shiver's then I asked " how Y/n tell Me how and I will No matter what"

then She Grab My hand and stroke My Messy Curly Hair Then she whispered " Dylan I'm with Dylan tell Camila I'm with Dylan And be careful Marcus Its a Maze Lots Of Trials and error and most of all Manipulation's what ever happen there Don't be Live On what you see" Her last words she kissed my cheek and.. she's gone.

I was confused Maybe Camila Knows The meaning of It And Dylan He was The One in the Box I saw him I Go Under the bed and Pulled out the box and  saw Dylan's Information And wow He's Fly !ANYWAYS!.

I ran to the Kitchen and saw No one there I looked Out of the window and Saw Them with some people.

I Ran Down the stairs and saw them With master Lin And the Legacies Jesus Christ they where all Packed Saya Billy Petra Maria Camila Looked over to me then she said "there Leaving You should To  since there your  Friends" then I said " But this Never have to be the end!" they all looked at me Then Master Lin said " Marcus Its your Choice Stay here And get Kicked out or Come with us with no Harm the I Explain " Y/ns alive Come On lets face It! if Camila can Rise from the Dead So can Y/n! I mean when did Y/n ever let us down never Right? so will you JUST PLEASE  LISTINE TO ME FOR FUCK SAKE!?"  then Saya said " You know that Camila IS the Dragon Master in This Japan Right?" then Marcus Shot up.

' "Jesus Christ Val help Me out Over here Then Val Grab the Info Book from me and said "Dylan Dylan" then Lock at Val and then Asked " what?" then Val Widen His eyes and Snap Then shouted " SHE'S WITH DYLAN?! CAMILA SHES WITH DYLAN?"

then Camila said " But Dylan is in L.A" then  I explain " See What i mean She is  with Dylan HEr soul is with her Brother which means she is-" Saya Cut me of By saying " Alive If This has to do anything about Y/n Then I'm In Sorry Master Lin But I'm  a Kuroki Its My Job" then I Smile Then Petra said " You know what Fine I in Cause Y/n is One of my Bitchen Friend" then Billy spoke " Fine Cause Petra will be there" then they al went to me Val And Camila's Side then We looked at Maria and  Looked at Chico and said " Yes Anything to Get me away From Him"

I Chuckle then Chico Gave me a Death Stare and Rolled his eyes then Camila Said " Keep Rolling your eyes Diablo You Might Find your Brain Oh wait You don't have one" she smirked then Chico was Going to attack Camila But then Pulled By Master Lin then We all Got inside.

then Once we got in the Kitchen all Set down Camila Gave Us all Each Soju I got a Mint Lime Flavor It smell's like Y/n I felt like I was Drinking her Soul Then Camila said " Marcus" I Looked over to Her and Hum to asking What? then Camila said " Tell us what you know" 

I looked over to everyone and they all nod.



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