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Having a Twin Hmm? Yes Having a Twin is just Like Having a Mirror in front of you You like You like the same thing The same wearing but what your about to see is nothing like Normal Twins they are special one has something and one has nothing.. 

"shit" Marcus Said


Marcus Keep Thinking about Y/n she was Missing all classes When They where Driving In the Block They ran pass the Grave Marcus Saw Y/n on the Corner of his eye HE yelled Stop The car stopped Then Saya Said " WHAT?!"  then They all Looked at the Mirror and they saw Y/n In front of a Grave A tombstone She Left a Cake in front of the Tomb stone Then She left then the Candle went out From Grave Then after She Left they All went out  of the car and Went to the Same tomb as y/n  did Marcus Looked at the name It said..


(Camila Chan Kuroki)

   Cause Of Death: Sacrificial  Death 

Born in 9/10/1914

Parents unknown 

Blood Related:  Y/n Natasha Lin Kuroki San 


Last words: Nothing can Come Between Us 

 Then Marcus Called Saya To read it follow By the others  then Saya said " wait.. I know her" then Billy said " Of course you Do that's A Kuroki" then Saya Looked at Billy said " No NO not that ITs just that I Didn't see all Of them I Know is Y/n had Two more sibling's and one is Camila But Who is the Other One?" then a Lady spoke From Behind " Dylan" they All stood up and looked at The Lady She Looked Nice She had a black cocktail Vintage Dress and a bow and then she spoke Getting close To them  and said " it was Dylan Camila and Y/n  Y/n and Camila Was Twins Well Camila Is just a Nice version of Y/n Hmm How she likes Going On a Mission with her sister and Brother and when There On a Bad mood she would Always  Make her Some Cake There Favorite Icing Is Strawberry and Vanilla But Camila Didn't last when One Mission Went Wrong after that Mission Dylan and Y/n Split up to see what would Happen But now-" Before The woman Can finish Marcus Finished her words " she's Going back For Camila's Wish" then The woman said " Yes that's Right You Must Be Y/n's best Friend" then Marcus  Shook his head no and said " No not really mam I'm just a Friend Me and Saya read her book" then Saya Spoke " Uh Miss may we ask who are You?" then the Woman said " Haydi Y/n's Godmother" then They all looked at each other and Shrug then Billy said " wait So where is Y/n Now?" then Haydi said " Japan In Himeji Castel" then They all Looked at each other again and said "JAPAN?!"

JAPAN WORD OF THE DAY: Kesshite kurushimu koto wa arimasen     決して苦しむことはありません     ( NEVER SUFFER) 


Japan is an archipelago, or string of islands, on the eastern edge of Asia. There are four main islands – Hokkaido, Honshu , Shikoku and Kyushu. There are also nearly 4,000 smaller islands, too! Japan"s nearest mainland neighbors are the Siberian region of Russia in the north, and Korea and China farther south.


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