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Lin spoke "How was it" they all looked at y/n then gulped then y/n responded " it was fine we didn't think he was dead but at least we got him and- " y/n looked at Marcus who was staring at her then she asked Marcus "what?" the boy shook his head and looked down then y/n got up and gave Master Lin a paper "here once I  was in the Helicopter I saw that a  picture,"  said by y/n then Lin gave it to Maria then Maria looked at Lin and said " Idk who these people are but all I know is that this is the HOUSE OF HOLBIEN" Then Lin said " I want you and Y/n Petra, Marcus, Saya, Brandy, Chico to find those woman and pick up any evidence that matches to the man and be Back by Night fall" Brandy and Chico came Chico got Marcus Attention he has his eye in Chico all the time while Brandy was looking at Y/n Y/n noticed Brandy was looking then she gave the blond girl a sarcastic smile and then y/n taped at Maria's shoulder Maria looked up and looked at y/n.

then y/n whispered " come with me" as the two girl stood up and left then y/n grab Marias hand and pulled her into a bathroom stall then Maria asked " what?" then Y/n said  " you know about this?" then she pulled out a Diamond pearl in her pocket then Maria looked shocked then Maria said " y/n that gem is missing from the HOLBIEN HOUSE  give it to them and they will may have  chance to help us" they both took a deep breath and then y/n started " then Maria follow my lead when we got there alight?" then Maria nodded okay then Y/n went back to the office then  grab my bag everyone was back to there dorm then She was going to Marcus Dorm and then once she opened the door she saw Marcus shirtless the girl yelled "oopp SHITTT" then the girl went to Saya's Dorm once she opened the door she was also shirt less  changing then she went inside and shut the door and said " what's up with everyone changing" then Saya looked at y/n  and said " why aren't changed yet then y/n responded " what change?"  " yep here" Saya tossed the girl a white blouse and a tie and a pants then the girl just shrug and start to take her clothes of then her Sister smirked then while y/n was still in her Sports bra and Underwear she looked at her sisters proud face then said " what?.

then she responded " nothing it's just whoever you ended up with is gonna wanna fick you more and fall hard more," she said while doing a proud smirk then the girl rolled her eyes and said 

"Well, they're gonna realize it whoever this person is that we will end up having a toxic life in their future with me" then Saya said, " oh come on you love children you already raised on from your trainer's mother then y/n chuckled and said, " and I ended up leaving her in the age of 13 cause I wanted to find my True life and who I was wow yes I was a good babysitter,"  she said in a most sarcastic way.

then they all meet up in y/ns car it was still invisible then Chico said: " well let's walk" he said cause he can't see the car then y/n pulled his collar harshly then talked to Jarvis " Jarvis Car" then Jarvis talked from the car and now it's visible "hello miss Y/n location?" then y/n spoke, " George Washington Hight's directly in the House of HOLBEIN" then Jarvis said, " on it mam in Sp or in Sg" then y/n said " SP (short for separate) and take the others to the Car" they got in and then Y/n crossed the street in the second ally and that's where they saw her riding the motorcycle then she signal the cargo first the car started then y/n was from behind then there where shots shooting the car they flinched then Jarvis spoke to them " its okay guys my owner build me bulletproof and waterproof and other else to keep you guys safe" then Maria said  " uh who are you?" then Jarvis Answered.

" allow me to introduce myself I am Jarvis a virtual artificial intelligent and I am here to assist you with the variety of tasks as best as I can 24 hours a day and 7 days a week now you have arrived at your destination,"  Jarvis said.

they were all too busy listening to Jarvis they have forgotten where were they then Saya said " thanks Jarv" they all left the car they saw y/n near the steps eating a taco they looked at her Confused " what? You guys were taking so long I had time to stop at taco come on" they went Inside y/n threw her taco away then they opened the door is opened by its self then the lights flicker.



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