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 Special Are you Special? Do you think your special? well If you Think you are You are But the Other? do there  Think There special..


They Yelled Then Haydi Grab a Pocket watch and Stopped the time But the others can only move  Haydi Grab there Hands and Teleported them Into a Basement then a She Clicked the Pocket Watch and said " Welcome to  Japan Go on Go out side" Then They all Opened the Door then They saw The outside They where in Himeji Castel  then they saw a Huge Castel In front of them Then there was a Long Stair way to go in the Castel this is what the Castel looks like 

They Yelled Then Haydi Grab a Pocket watch and Stopped the time But the others can only move  Haydi Grab there Hands and Teleported them Into a Basement then a She Clicked the Pocket Watch and said " Welcome to  Japan Go on Go out side" Then They ...

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Saya Was amazed  she saw this Again she felt like a child then Haydi said " Do you remember this Saya?" then Saya Nodded then Once they Got in Saya IS looking around then Marcus asked "so This is where Y/n and Camila Grew Up In the story?" then Haydi said " Well Also Dylan But they Never knew about Camila and Dylan then A voice said " We Have Visitors" they all Turn around and saw-


I arrive Japan I Went to the Castel It was A lot of memory To take Then I went In to a room and saw a Girl Kneeling Down In a huge kimono  then I spoke " Never Think you Ever will wear that again" then The Girl Looked over It Was Camila She Looked Happy she stood Up and said "  It was a Total Wreak Without You" then She gave me a Hug I Lip smile and said " Nice to see you Camila" then Camila Pulled away and said " I Missed you Where's Dylan?" then I said " i don't Know then We heard The Bell Ring Then Camila said " Ill get It Make your self Happy With anything In the Kitchen" I Nod then once she was Getting the door I Went Out side To my Calming Place surrounded By water and I saw In the Side My Warrior Katana  I used it For My Power It helps me to Keep Calm I Put it on And started To Put my Blade  at a decent distance from the water, but not too close. Move My Katana  in a wave like motion, pulling them towards your body, and pushing them away from your body. As you do this, feel the water moving with your Body . Do not feel the water's weight, but feel the water itself moving.

I remember doing This with Dylan He was Manipulative to the Air I was Manipulating Water In My Body when I want to stay calm I Drop The Water From its Vibrate When I heard a Voice From Behind me.


I Saw the Door already Opened I saw People Then I said " We Have Visitors?" then our Godmother looked at me Followed BY the other Person In front  Then She said " Camila My dear Happy Birthday" she said and kissed My  head and then A  curly Headed Boy Asked Me " so your Camila?" then I said " Yes indeed Yes I am And You are?" I asked with a warm Smile Then HE said " Im Marcus Lopez And This is Saya Kuroki That Is Billy and that Is-" before I let the boy finish I finished his words With " Maria Salazar  and Petra" then They all nod Then Godmother said " Where Is Your sister?" then I Said " Follow me Please" we make It to The 心を落ち着かせ ( calming place) which my sister call Celra verda So We saw her I can tell her Circle Peace Stopped As the ocean Vibrated She Drop her peace She Looked Over to Us she Placed Her katana Back in the pillow and said " what are you guys Doing here?" my Twin sister said then I said  " they where Visiting You why don't we go Inside It's Kinda Chilly" then godmother said "  Good Idea Let's Go" 



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