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I heard singing from Y/ns room so I went to her room as soon as I came closer I heard her sing God I haven't heard her sing since we were kids  I peek at the door I saw her playing with a card but all, I heard her sing is Maria Maria and that's where it hit me she is jealous by Marcus and Maria? JESUS I mean I know I kissed him BUT it was just to let him join kings then I came to Y/ns Room saying " OH MYYYYY FUCKKKINGGG GODDDD YOU LIKEE MARCUS!?"   then y/n stood up saying " NO what NO?!" then I said  " YESS YES  YOU DO! AND YOU CAN'T DENY IT!" then she said " are you spying on me?" in a calm voice then I  spoke "No I was going to tell you we are going to Vegas " then she looked confused and said " what? we are going back there?"  then I spoke " NO we all are the whole Kings" "what why?" she responded then I spoke " I don't know just get ready we are leaving tom after detention" Then she said " aight" "good night Say" then I responded " night Nat" I closed the door and Go to Marcus's room and told hi everything I heard that whole Conversation He was just smirking

 3rd POV:

In the morning


after Saya told me about their conversation last night I was so excited I don't know why but ya know I think it's cause I get to tease someone again well let's see The top of the people kissed is Well Saya Maria And Lex... Jesus I got packed at went to the cafeteria for Breakfast I went to Lex and  Petra then Saya went to us asking if she  can join we nod then she whispered In my ear " Marcus likes Y/n" she teases me I nudge her side and said " shut up" then I saw  Y/n stepped in the Cafeteria She grabs a tray and Asked Petra if she can sit  Petra Nod then she sat down I can't stop looking at her I don't know why then she looked back " Marcus?" she spoke then I responded "yeah" with a small voice she said, " Is there something in my face?" "uh- wha- No no it's just nothing" Saya who was next to me Just keep smirking at me then Saya Asked Y/n "Y/n what aren't you eating your food?" then Y/n responded in Saya's Question " well I  don't know  I just Don't Ya know" Before Anything Even Happened The bell ringed And Y/n got up and Grab her tray and dump the food in the tray and put the tray on top of the trash can. we also did the same and went to Master Lin's office we all got there me, Lex, Maria, Petra, Saya, and Y/n.. we took a seat and waited for master Lin Then when we saw Lex he has a Monkey in his back.

then Saya spoke "what is that? and Why do you have that" He dropped the monkey It was on his table then Y/n stand up and Went to the front shelf and grabbed a Game of skill Book?

then went back to her seat with the book then start reading Man her face was like staring at the stars at night. before anything happens I Looked away then Lex's monkey started to walk to the radio then Lex said " HEY no don't you dare play that" then Lex's monkey pressed the radio and THE LION SLEEPS TONIGHT started playing  all of us exchanged looks but not y/n we all started to harmonize y/n who looked up from her book  and looked at all of us and started to Harmonie back then we all stand up and Started to dance while singing   In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight wimowhe A wimowhe 6x * we sing* 

we never think I NEVER THINK Y/N WOULD PLAY ALONG then she started to do the high note part we all looked at her and laugh then Soon enough Master Lin came in we all looked at him in shocked but blank face then we realized it was Master Lin we all sat down and then the monkey stopped the music and went out to the Hall...



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