.~.RED ROOM.~.

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I yelled then Camila Finally got her Rep Back then She stood up and said " I have one answer to where she is!" I looked at her and said " what?" " the Red room" I had no idea what she was talking about but I guess I could Count on her Then I said " tell us what you know" she Ran to her room We waited for her In a while then She rushed back.

"Look look"

we all stood Up and Grab News Pape In each then I looked at Camila and said " what IS the meaning of this?" then she explained " you see In the red room is the main check point of the Kuroki's and Saya you should know that who ever raised you IS now your real parents cause when I died That is where I was taken It was Called the red room cause that's where everyone Trained us to be a Fighter" 

then Saya Spoke " The Woman's Combat" then Camila Pulled out a Board and pin the News paper's then Camila spoke " Saya what Room did you Remember?" then Saya Closed her eyes and said " room Circle and Hearts" then Saya opened her eyes then Camila Looked at me and  said " Marcus tell me how man number's are  in that paper" then.

I said " here is one of them 14326 then 9559 then here is the last one 268179 " then she started to Make Math Things then she said " i got it I FINALLY GOT IT SEE LOOK So"

Camila explained " so is Saya Saw Hearts and circle then is you take 14326 and Add it one by one by one so its 1+4+3+2+6= 16 so Saya was Trained in Room 16 the Interlock then if My room was 9559 and add them one by one is is 9+5+5+9=  is 28 then add it together its 16+28 is 44 then Minus 8 is 36 then Marcus what was the first code?"

then I spoke "14326" then she said " yes the Third number is 3 so which brings us to 36 well take the 6 out and the third number of the number is 3 so SHES WAS TRAINED IN ROOM 33 SO THAT IS WHERE SHE WITH DYLAN THAT IS WHERE THEYLL BE?!" then I said " then lets Go" we all stood up and went to the car then I have to admit She was Good at This Math things.


we are on are  way to go pick up Alexie's our Loving Father yes the Kuroki Father so we went to an old place the Prison hehe 

we had a Plan to sneak our Father out of Prison so me and Yelena got then we all are in our way to get out but then our father make noise in the metal pipe then the alarm went on.

then I whispered " shit" The guards started to chase us and prisoners Escaping then I yell " GO GO IN THE HELECOPTER ILL GO ALONG" they all Ran there Yelena Drove The hele then I had to fight MY way there Yelena Drooped the rope leading me in the hele But i got Drag A guard try to shock me but failed I upper cut him and Yelena Lower the Hele and i jumped There and land then Yelena started to drive away. 

then I grab the head set then it started snowing Then Father was talking to us then he said " oh you guys can't hear me" he grab the head set and put it on then he spoke " thank you girls so much i lu-" then I said " try to say that then ill drive back to the prison and drop you off like a child " then He said " jeez why so harsh I think you guys are in your Period or just mad" then Yelena said  " I don't get my period dip shit"

then she explained " I  don't have a uterus u see when you where born in the red they go in and just sorta pull it out all of it then they just get it out and they just chop them all away just like that so you don't get your Period"

then I try so hard not to laugh on His reation then He started yelling " okay okay you dont have to say it OKAY I GOT IT" 

then we arrive The Red room.


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