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Love Lets talk about Love Its something two people who love and care each other  and Adore Each other But sometimes It can be a Little Spicy At the Moment  OH AND UHM WARNING: SMUT


what Y/n didn't Know Marcus was just Behind The doors Then Camila said " what is that" Pointing at Y/n's Gun wound then Y/n said " oh yeah That's Uh well A Gun wound" then Camila started to Panic then she said " Well Come on lets Clean Your Wound Before it gets Infected-" Camila was going to stand Up But Y/n stopped Camila and said  " Cam Its okay I cleaned It Its Fine"  then Camila yawned then y/n said " you should get some sleep thanks for the meal" then    cam nod and said " Good night Ketchup"  then Y/n Responded " Night Mustard" then Camila Shut the Door Facing Marcus near the room Smirking Then Camila Was Shock But her shock face Turns ito a Smirk and said.

"Go get her dawg" then Camila Got in her room.

then Marcus Knock In her door then Y/n Said " Open" then Marcus Opened the door Smirking  then Y/n Raised her eyebrow and said "what?" then Marcus Shut the door and Step Closer to Y/n was getting more Confused Then Marcus Cupped Her cheeks and said " Your Beauty Is Shining In the Moon Light Darling" Y/n was Trying so Hard not to fall But then.

Marcus Kissed Y/n With Passion soon It turn to be More of a Rough Kiss then Marcus Pushed Y/n Into the wall and kept Kissing her Then he got down from The Lips to the Neck And Kept leaving Love  Marks on her Collar bone her Neck and Behind her ear The Girl was Moaning Uncontrol She was Holding her moans Then The Boy Whisper in her ear " Don't Hold Darling" He said In a Husky Voice Then The Boy Removed The Girls Shirt Her double D's Popped Out then The Boy Pushed the Girl in  the Bed and Roughly Suck her neck the girl Arched Her back The boy Quickly removed The Girls Black Bra And Her Groan Of how hot y/n is then He started to suck Y/n's Ya know and Then Once They had there Clothes Skater Around the room Marcus Looked at Y/n's wet Female Spot and Went Down And Looking at Y/n Asking for permission.

the girl Nod and started to Line his D*ck in her Pussy then He Slowly Enter Y/ns Body Then The girl Quickly Nod and Then Marcus started to Move up and down  then The girl Was a moaning mess Then Marcus started to Do it Quickly and Faster and Harder And Faster and Harder-

its quite Deadly- Deadly classWhere stories live. Discover now