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Love what is love love is something to Spend your time and your life with the most liked, loved and cared person. 

Marcus Pov:

He Woke up in a Loud voice of a Girl she opened his eyes and Notice he was dreaming all the time He Pilot said they where Going to Land in Vegas In 2 Minutes then he peeked at the next mini room next to him She looked at the girl who was in his dream she was In her White Blouse and black tie so he Got up and started to get his bag once they  arrive he cant stop thinking about Y/n in his Dream.

Narrator POV:

the Boy Noticed something that he was not the one who just dream about his well Uh second lady? (saya) sister's  making out with her. but one thing another he got over it 

then one thing once they arrive a random Boy Gave Y/n A Buttercup Flower And his number then y/n Tear the paper and gave The flower To a Kid While she was walking away then Lin Pulled them all Beside in the bathroom stall they where all in a one stall  then Petra Said " well this is  claustrophobic why are we all here In the Girls bathroom" then Lin said " Here are your Room for your Room" then Chico asked " what room?" then Y/n said " the Bathroom Stall room what do you think?" the Girl said In Sarcastic  then Saya Rolled her eyes and then Lin spoke " Marcus Petra You guys go in Room 236 Y/n Maria 265 then Saya Brandy You Guys Share the for last Billy and Chico. Go Leave In this Hotel and give your other pass port and Id to the Lady in the lobby and the other students are also there good luck" then Lin got out we where all Silent then Y/n walked out then the others to. they all went to the hotel and How fancy it was then they went to the little bench and then while they where waiting y/n saw someone Milo? the one she stabbed?

the girl stood up and went closer to the boy who was enjoying the outside view she patted the boys Shoulder and said "Milo?" then the boy turned around with a Tequila Glass then he said " Y/n! Jesus there you are" then he shot up there handshake thing then he said " thanks for stabbing me in the stomach early in that day" then y/n said " Boy that ain't you you have Green eyes and the guy I stabbed Had blue eyes" then Y/n was called by a voice she looked over and saw   Maria Calling her then y/n waved good bye and then went back to the others then Once Maria and Y/n where in there room and they where lucky two beds well y/n don't really go to sleep so she just need it to lay down and throw a Card in the air  then Maria said "wow I never had a Good Hotel Room" then y/n said " wait so you go in A hotel once but you never got a room?" she said while she Took flap the Huge Blanket open she saw a black envelope with her name write in then she grab the envelope and sat in her bed as Maria Started to take her clothes off y/n looked over to Maria and then Mouthed " god"  then y/n opened the Envelope and started to read.

~ ~ ~ 

-Y/n Miki san 

This is a Private  invitation  to the World Casino we heard of you From kings Dominion we want to give you a little game of Poker. if  you don't like that its a game of your choice and a game of your bet. and Not only your hand skill also Mentally and Physical mind.

- World resort Casino  

she closed the envelope and put it in her pocket and then Maria went to  the bathroom taking a Bath in the  bathtub so Y/n changed her clothes to a black pants black blazer and  a Black choker and a black boots then she put a deck of cards and a Gun in her pocket And a Butterfly knife and a Grenade that looks like a Deck of cards then she Went to Room 236 To meet with Petra on her way there he ran across Will then Y/n Talked to Will " hey Man Will" y/n said then Will said " oh hey what's y/n right?" " the one and only" then Y/n added " your close to Marcus right?" then Will said " yeah Kind of why what's up?"  then Y/n responded " well Uh I want you to distract everyone While I'm gone hm kay?" then will asked " why where are you going?"  then Y/n Told him everything the Casino and the he agrees and said " Good luck" he's nice.

then y/n Drove her way to the Casino as if everyone knows her asking if she's y/n she got in then she saw a Man in a tux in the Poker section then Milo was behind her without her knowing then Milo shoot up " what are you doing here?" then Y/n was going to speak but a man Called her he was about almost Her age he said " ah Y/n right I'm Meho" then y/n shook the boys hand then Milo spoke " Hi man Milo I don't we've meet"  then the Girl spoke " okay why am i here Where you the guy who sent me the Envelope?" then Miho said " Oh Wow wow chill down I'm here for a clear match i just wanna know why is everyone Calling you a Gambling Freak" then Y/n smirked and said " Oh so you want Money?" then Miho said " No not really I want is Your skills" then Milo looked at y/n and whispered in her ear " ill be at the Back if need me" Y/n nodded and then Miho spoke "  So you in Miss Kuroki?" then Y/n shoot her head up from the ground and Pushed him tto the corner wall and point a Knife at his neck and said " how  the hell did you know my last name answer me or Your Mop head Friend Dies" then Miho said " Wow okay okay I know you y/n cause Saya Knows me" he said as if he was manipulating Her so y/n Pulled her knife away and  Took a deep breath.

Then Y/n said " Sure I'm in" then Miho clapped his hands and a table Appeared then the other lights Went out leaving the lights in the middle Of the Table then Miho said " Poker Miss san?" then Y/n nodded and put her other foot up and then Miho gave the Cards to the Couch then The Couche Put the first card in his side and did a Texas Hold Em they Bet Y/n Betted  6 Dollars Equivalent to 30000000 Dollars then Miho said " okay Miki I didn't know your such a risk taker" he betted 2 Dollars Equivalent to 10000000 then Y/n flipped her cards Flush then Miho got Straight then as In the last round Miho was loosing Y/n was winning they where In tie match Y/n betted all her Chips then Miho smirked and said " wow okay miss risk taker" he Betted 10 chips  the girl looked at her card she had a ten Hearts and a Jack hearts Queen hearts Ace Hearts King hearts She acted like she was mad Asf then  she looked at Miho who was smirking and whispered "shit" then Miho counted down And placed our cards Down It was a royal Flush the boy got a Straight Flush then Miho Started to clap his hands Also did the crowd then Miho stood Up and looked at Y/n signaling her  to follow her then she stood up and followed Miho and once they arrived at his room he gave a Case full of Money he own her in the Game then Y/n said " keep it" then Miho Lightly widen his eyes and said " what now?"  then y/n said " i said Keep it" as she Pulled the Case back at his hands.

then Miho said " Y/n I want to know something" then y/n said " go on shoot me"  then Miho shoot " how did you know it was a set up?"  then Y/n Looked at Miho and Gave a chuckle and said " well For starters I saw how the Couch Shuffle the cards as if he was trying show it to you I have a one good eye tho I called it a cat Eye" Miho Chuckled and said " anything else?" then y/n said " the crowd  saw How they where  looking at the couch they where not looking at me they where looking at the Couch and the man behind me there" then Miho said " well what ever you want I can give it" then Y/n said " I want nothing Like you said It was a clear match Good night Miho" she said Kissing His cheek and patting it then she left and then she drove back to the Hotel then Once she entered She Entered the elevator and pressed 6 Floor then once she entered the room she saw Maria and Marcus Half Naked and Chico Pointing a Knife In Marcus's Neck .

Y/n Got her gun and pointed it at Chico and said " Put.IT.DOWN!." then Chico Put Marcus Down and then Y/n Turned around to Maria and Marcus's Side aiming the Gun In Chico's Head she Pull the reload Button and Ready to pull the trigger then Saya Bust out In the door and said " Y/n put  the gun down now" Saya said Trying Not to Be mad at The three y/n put the gun down and un re lowed the trigger and Took her knife also away then Y/n was so Angry She Just Flipped Chico's head IN the wall Hitting it hard Causing it to bleed and knock him out then Y/n Went out to the room then Saya Signal Maria To get out to get ready.

Y/n went outside she saw some Random Masked Guys she  narrowed her  eyes and started to run her motorcycle and while he was in the middle of a fight with 90 men her Body starts to shiver but she ignored in after she just got a massive pain in her heart She looked at her chest she saw blood coming out she said " shit"  she She got back in the hotel then she saw Maria Trying to wake everyone Bloody and well dead? then Maria starts to put something in Marcus's mouth.

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