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Well Are you Going to wait for your reputations For your life Cause I will 


Holy shit


I Stood up and saw every  one coming to me Marcus, Y/n, Maria, Saya, Lex, Yelena, Alexie's, Lex , Brandy , Lin , Chico, His Minion's and   I Hugged them all Then I   Said " Come On help me Lift This off of Dylan." We all Grab The Rock and Lift IT "ON three One.. Two.. three.." We lift the rock Dylan stood Up and We then drop the Rock and said 

Then Y/n said  " well we all Look like shit" then We laugh then Saya said " well This won't happen If Marcus didn't Care about you" We all Chuckle Then Marcus said  " HEY Just Cause I care about Y/n Dose not mean This is all my fault" then Y/n Came to Marcus and Kissed Him ON the lips right In front of us For 5 second Then Chico said " awww OKAY CAN WE GO HOME NOW!" they pulled away and Chuckle then We saw  a Van coming This way It was VAL?! Then he stopped the Van and said " Come on lets get your Horses Out of here" Val said I Ran To Him and Kissed Him God I missed his Lips we Pulled away then Val said.

" okay Saya I have a Little Suprise for you" he said he Opened the van It was Kijima?! Saya's eye's Widen Then Kijima spoke " Hello hello Saya" Saya JUst ran To Him and Hugged Him Then Y/n and Marcus Joined Him and Saya Forming a Group hug We all Form a Group Hug the "17 of us on the same team WOW That's new" Y/n said We all Laugh 

then we pulled away then we where all In a form Of circle Then I Said " Its  Quite Deadly?"    i said Forming a Hand Thing Then They All agree and said " Quite Deadly"  Then we all Laugh then we all Got in the Van It was 4:36 PM The sun was almost down I sat on front With Val driving while I Looked at The Back I saw Them Al down Asleep then I saw My sister she was sleeping with Marcus Peace fully I saw Dylan In Y/n's shoulder I smiled.

 I Felt A hand On top of mine I Looked at It and I saw Val's Hand I Looked At him and said " I Love you." then He looked at me and said " I love you To" He kissed My four head and I fell asleep.



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