.ROOM 33.

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Death do you have any respect anything form the dead our stories from our grand parents do you believe  in them.



Y/n spoke " Hey Bro" Dylan was shock  a Baby  walked over to us With a Knife Then I  Yelled " Chucky BABY?!" the baby  Sat In the floor and played with the Knife then I just  Pulled the Knife away From The baby.

 then gave it to Dylan Then he grab it then Dylan spoke " How are you-" then was Cut off by Y/n " can you please let us in first then well talk" then Dylan Moved out of the way.

then We had to talk about some shit but when I asked For

Hey DO you have any Drink stronger Like Tequila" i asked Dylan Stood up and Grab the Bottle and gave it to me I nod In to Thanking him Then Y/n said.

" D Do you still have those old news Papers You hid 16 years ago?" then Dylan nod and pointed at his Bed room and said  "I hid it under my bed the third Tile" he said

then He sat In the font of me and said " What she up to?" then I said " she's Finding a way how to get her Spirit back well i mean The Blade  Spirit  the Red Room Remember?" 

then Dylan Nod then he asked me " you her Friend?" I responded " Little Child When she ran away from the City." then Dylan Said " what you mean the story from the tale of Y/n Miki N Kuroki?"  I nod then He said " yeah People Believe In that" then I Went to The room I saw the Baby with a stuff toy I kneel down and said " Luck Baby" 

then I went to Y/n I saw news Papers around the boarding pin and the floor I grab one of them and i read it in my mind " 315427829" 

then Y/n Asked " Yelena what Number Is writen In the Second page" I turn the news paper and looked at it " 6724519" I spoke then I Looked at her then She said " its room 33 the Profet is in Room 33 then The other one is Room 26" then I Looked at her then  Pulled out my phone  and type room 33 and 26 then I looked over to Y/n then she Looked at me then We both Said " Alexis"



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