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Siblings? Friends? Lover? Traitor? Haters? what ever Comes In Our way we have To Fight through 

"Then Camila Kept Laughing"

~~~~~~~~~~~ Lets Skip To after Noon~~~~~~~~~~~

After Noon past By Camila is In the Shops Out side she used a Little Magic To get out of the Kingdome Marcus  Decide To Talk To Y/n So one he   sat down in Y/ns bed But y/n was out side Looking at the View Marcus  Found a Box Under her bed he Looked at Y/ns bed then walk over to the Door and Locked it then He opened the Box and wow it was filled with picture's It was Some Pictures And there was a notebook about those People Marcus Opened the note book but he only saw Doodle In each page He Flipped It like a flip Book  he saw a Name in the Bottom Valerian Chan He read Under His Breath Then Y/n was behind Him And said " what are you Doing?" then Marcus was Shock when he heard Y/n Voice Then Y/n Grab the Box and started to Put the Things back where It was and Said " that's Valerian Chan number 5 when it comes to Killing People a Fast Mover"  then Marcus sat Up and took a Deep Breath-


i was walking In the shops then I thought of Buying Flowers My favorite Flowers was Poppy My sister Like Butter Cup Flowers the Blue one It was Rather Rare In Japan we Mostly have  Cherry Flowers Fresh From the Cherry Tree But then When I arrived there I Saw Someone Beside Me a Boy with His hair whoped aside His Face Then I Looked at his Face then I shouted "Valerian?!" then Everyone In the shops Looked at Me then I cover My Mouth Then Valerian Turn around then  Faced me and said " Camichan Kuroki Nice to See you again" then I Was shock he still know my name then He Grab the Flowers IN my hands and said " Ill pay" then I was Going to speak " hey I mean You don't really have to-" then he grab some Strawberry Poki Sticks and Pay then He hand me the Bag.

I mean I know Valerian Kill's People But Ya know It is worth It I told My sister i Like Kijima but I really Like Valerian More.

I know I know He Kills But I don't Really Care My Father Left them No Choice but to Fight so then I spoke " would You Like to come with me Back to the Kingdom with me" i offer My hand To him he gave me  A dimple Smile and Took my hand I Blushed His Hand- i- it- its so Warm

i Pulled Him all the way to the kingdom then I placed down the Bags of Goodies and Called My sister " SISHTA!" Then y/n went out In her room with Marcus I smirked then She Looked at me with a wide Eye I mean They are Cute Together Ya know Marcus Is just Like a lost Puppy without My sister then she Looked at me with a wide eye and said " NO We  NO!" then I laugh then Valerian Got in the room then He Looked at Y/n and said " Natasha san Omg You've Grown" then He he offer A shake to my sister then My sister looked at me then Valerian and then She shock His hand and said " No shit no shit Nice to see you to" she said While Shaking His hand 

then Valerian looked at Marcus and said " and you are?" then Marcus said " Oh yeah right Im Marcus Marcus Lopez A" as he shake His hand then Valerian Said " do you guys mind If I talk to Marcus for a Sec?" then Me and my sister  Looked at each other then Y/n Gave me A I dont care look and Turn her Heels and Walked away I just  grab the Goodies and followed my sister.

then Me and my sister Went to the to the kitchen then I started sorting out the  Foods, can good's and liquid's. then my sister grab a soju and sat down in the Counter and Put her one  Leg up then I said " is  this not Exiting Valerian and Your Boyfriend are In a hang out Talk?" i said As I put more soju in the Fridge  then She scoff and said " me and Marcus are just Friend's In Between Just Cause we had sex Dose not mean we are together Now" then I Turn around to her and said "  EHhh it kinda Dose" then My sister Took her top Off cause of the Freaking Weather it was Hot days but when she took her Shit Off she Had Hickeys In her collar Bone then I Smile and said" You might wanna Cover that" then She looked down in her collar bone and said " Fuck you Marcus Lope" Then Saya Got in the Room and said " I KNEW IT?!" then Y/n spitted her Soju Out of her mouth then said " JESUS MAN?!"


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