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Trust Of death Are you okay with it? or if you lost someone that says its okay are you okay with it?

"Good idea lets Go"

3rd POV: 

then Once they all got inside It was getting Dark So It was time for Supper they all Got in to a Room There was a Kitchen In the Room next to them So they all Sat at the Pillows In the ground with  Little But long Table In front of them Then Camila Said " okay Uhm I Will get some Drinks and Ill also Get The Food I just Cooked" she stood up then They all looked at each other then Marcus asked Haydi " uh Miss Haydi I was just going to ask But i thought Camila was Dead" in those Sentence Y/n Looked Up from The Table and said " She was  a split soul" then They all looked at Y/n and Saya Explained " Spilt soul is something that your from the other world and  your other soul Belongs to your well Home meaning Camila Is Not allowed to leave the Kingdom her palace" 

after  those words Camila Came in the Room with food  and drinks  balancing in her head and the others to her arms Y/n stood up and helped Camila she Passed the Food and sat down then Haydi said " Okay Lets eat Kids" They all dug In then Camila started " Shisute? ( sister)" y/n Looked up and said " hmm?" then Camila asked " why aren't You eating do you not like the food if not we can skip to desert-" before Camila  can finish Y/n spoke " oh No its Its nice Its just that I just don't feel Like ya know eating Right now But the food is nice". then Camila Nod 


Y/n was in her Old bed as a child She was Doodling In her bed Until she heard    a Knock In her door She said  " come In" It was Camila with a whole tray of  bowl of Dumplings Miso soup and Her Favorite Slice of cake Vanilla and Strawberry Frosting And some drip of Light Frosting and a strawberry and some Bowl Of her Favorite Berry's  then Y/n said " what is that?" then Camila Sat the Tray down In the bed and said " well I  Heard You Haven't ate In a Year when You where Gone So I brought Your Favorite four Course meal" She Looked over to Y/n who was eating a Strawberry then Y/n Try to speak But ended Up almost Choking all Camila could understand is "oOjOhKo" then Camila Giggled and they Both Ended up laughing Haydi Ran pass Y/n's Room then she heard Laughing so Haydi Smiled and kept walking like she heard Nothing 

 then Camila asked a Question " Hey sister" then Y/n stopped eating the cake and said "Hmm?"  then She teased " ever had a Crush?" then Y/n admit "well Mabey a little" then Camila Dropped Her Cookie and Looked at Y/n in shock then She said " Spill the tea GURL" then Y/n " said Okay first of all No and second of all when did  you learn how to speak like that?"  then Y/n said  " if you tell me yours Ill tell Mine" then Camila said " Kijima Now your next" then Y/n said " Marcus Well Mabey a Little bit" then Camila widen Her eyes and said "HOLY SHIT MAN"

hey yall i know its short ill be adding the new cast in this story now hehe 


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