-T.R.A.I.N.I.N.G. I-N B.E.T.W.E.E.N.-

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I and Saya walked out of the room then once we entered a room it was dark and rusty and there was a window it was broken and I rolled up my sleeve and opened the bathroom door it was also dark I on the lights and the tiles was black everything is black at least the bathroom is fine then I said to Saya " Nifty but at least the bathroom was ok" then Saya Respond with " yeah it gets better tho and your room you have to fix that by your self" then I gave her a glare and said " yeah at least it has a nice bed I think I can make it work" then I looked at the broken window and I  said " good night Say (your nickname for Saya)" " night Nat ( your nickname from Saya)" then Saya shut the door then the first thing she did was is undress and turn on the shower.

after her shower she took out some fresh new clothes from the bag Saya Gave her and got dressed at since she don't sleep she grabbed a deck of cards from her bag and started to throw it and catch it until the sun shines she got up when the sun flashed in her face she already heard some yelling and breaking and fighting then she whispered: " god damn its 3 in the morning" she got up from her bed and hopped in her shower. and started to wash except for her hair cause she doesn't like her hair wet than before she showers she put her hair in a messy bun and right before she finished Saya knocked in her Room she yelled " Can I come in Its Saya" then the girl yelled back " yeah sure" then Once Saya got in she went to the bathroom and once she got in the bathroom y/n was still in her towel then Saya said, " god damn that bod tho sis " a chuckle got out from y/ns mouth then she showed her uniform then her eyes widen.

'A skirt" y/n said then Saya said, " well yeah if you want to"  " no I'm not wearing that" then Saya said, " well yeah ofc not just wear the top then you can use your own bottom or you can wear what you wore last night" then y/n said, " I'm wearing what I wore last night" ' okay see you there" then Saya was about to leave but then she said, " oh yeah here" she hands her a card " "what is this" she asked then Saya said " meet us after the training and classes in the roof "  then Saya went out the girl got dressed and fluff her hair and went out from Her dorm and Lin try to drag her in his Office the girl once again flipped Lin around But y/n didn't know it was Lin so she was shocked then said " OH SHIT! and- well its kinda your fault you try to Drag me" Y/n pulled her hand out To help Lin He grab it Then Lin Gave Y/n a list of things she needs to do on her first day she got her Id she went outside she saw everyone there Training Then I saw MY iconic Sister using her iconic Katana Blade Then Lin Wave his Hand to everyone to stop the all  stopped they looked at me then Lin then a bald-headed guy spoke " who the hell is she" then Lin looked at y/n and said " That's Y/n Natasha Kuroki they all then looked at Her sister Saya then Then a guy said "How you doing?"  a guy tries to flirt whit Y/n Then Saya shouted "DONT!?" Saya pulled her katana in the guy's face then put it down.

then the bold headed said " wow a smoking asshole" Then y/n grabbed something from her pocket and it was a middle finger then the whole Class went oooooooo then after those oooooo y/n started training she knocked 63 boys and 54 girls that whole time all of us were shocked then Petra came to us and whispered let's go some of us went out to the roof a few mints Y/n was there she came out from the vent then Saya looked at her and said "wow you fit in there" then y/n stand and looked at all of the people and then she said " who are you?" pointing at a short hair girl with dark eye shadow "Petra you are?" "Y/n N Kuroki San " " ahh the sister of Saya nice," a blonde hair guy said, "and you?" "Lex I'm Lex".  



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