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Again Love Is something To adore To miss And Keep And never Move On no matter what Happen to the both of you 

 "wEll miSs My Gf is alSo Name y/N soO Ha?!" 


3rd Point of view:

Y/n woke Up from a Loud Bang On the Floor She looked over to Marcus who Looked like He just Climbed the Tallest building In the world using the stairs So then Marcus Held His Head In pain and groan Then Y/n noticed That He just fell From the desk then Y/n Giggled then Marcus Looked At y/n and said " why The Fuck Aren't I in your Bed?!" then Y/n said " well I was Offering You to sleep with me but then You said You have a Girlfriend And her name is Y/n WOW" she said In sarcastic voice then Marcus Yawn Then Y/n asked "  Sleepy?" then Marcus Nod his head while Scratching his eyes then Y/n offer " well you can always sleep in my bed My treat You want?" y/n offer then Marcus Looked at Y/n and stood Up and went to y/n's bed and Slept Y/n Looked at him.

then Marcus Opened His eyes And said " Hmm I can't sleep" then Y/n said " Well what do you want?" then Marcus Looked at Y/n then He pulled her In his Arms Y/n looked at Marcus Softly and then she heard Marcus say "good night Y/n san" then HE slept then Y/n started to Sing whie he was sleeping 

I know we'll never grow old together
'Cause you'll never grow old to me
You're the pink in my cheeks and I'm scared
'Cause it means I'm a little bit soft

I know we'll never grow old together
'Cause you'll never grow old to me

But don't beat yourself up, for me 
It wasn't just the sun that I was hiding from
We were messed up kids who taught ourselves how to live
And I'm still scared that I'm not good enough

I've always felt like a monster
Long before I was bit
But only seen as a monster
Let's just say I'm used to it

And I grew tough cause love it only hurt me back
But loving you is a good problem to have
And I'm used to that
But I could get used to this

Yeah, I'm used to that
But I could get used to this
And I know we'll never grow old together
Cause you'll never grow old to me

You're the pink in my cheeks
And I love that it means I'm a little bit soft
You're the pink in my cheeks
And I love, that it means 

I'm a little bit soft

she last Sang Then Drift to sleep.


Marcus woke up he felt amazing for the first time in his life all he heard last night was y/n's Soft voice singing then he looked up from all could see is the girl's Beautiful Face And her Angelic  Face then He was to comfy to get up so y/n woke up some time then Y/n just Realized she slept Like a Toddler then she looked down in Marcus who was playing with the Bed sheets making Singing noise then she chuckle Then Marcus looked up to face y/n then he said  " morning Angel" then Y/n Said " Moring Darling" then Y/n Got up with a sharp pain of her chest then She Grunt in pain Marcus Got worried and asked " Are you okay Y/n what Happen?" he said Panicking Then Y/n said " its Nothing Its Fine I think then They all Went out for A peaceful Morning Breakfast then Valerian Said " Oh y/n we have a  Mission In 12:00AM be ready" then Y/n said " at night?"  then He nod then Y/n groan then Marcus Held Y/n's Hand Under the Table which h=make her Smile softly Camila Knew what was going on.


while in the.... Mission 

Valerian and Y/n split up as they where told to then Once y/n Knocked out the Men She took a Deep Breath then out of no where Y/n was Pinned In the wall and her hand has been stab then She was trying to move but she couldn't she Looked over to the man and said " how are you doing this" she said In pain then out of the Broken Window there was a Hidden Snipper Aming for her Heart through the window Then BAM y/n was shot the The knife was deep in her hand and a Bullet wound in her chest then she whispered "shit" she fell in the floor Bleeding Not longer enough The Snipper Guy Was killed By Valerian Then He teleported and killed the man Then he saw Y/n's Dead Body he got in his knee and said " Y/n Y/N SPEAK TO ME!?" then Y/n was Slowly Trying to close her eyes but then Val Command.

"NO NO don't you dare try to close your eyes Y/N SAN" then Y/n whispered " I want to sleep Now" then Val said "No no no no not now Mabey later okay Wi- with with MARCUS YES! then you guys can have a Good Night a good day and an ever lasting cuddles for you two yes you like that right?!" he said Then Y/n said " i- ow Its okay Val That all sound's Nice but you have to leave now I promise Ill be back soon" then The Police siren Was getting near Then Y/n Command " NOW" then Val Hesitated But He Let Go and Put his helmet On and Left Y/n In tears.

then He got Home Marcus Was the first one waiting for y/n Then Val called everyone To tel That y/n is dead Then Marcus asked " Val Where is y/n?" then Val took a deep Breath and said " Sh- she-" then Valerian started to tear up then Camila said " spit it out where is my sister?" then Val yelled " SHE'S DEAD!?" Marcus Was  in shock Followed by Camila Saya Billy And Maria then Camila said " Val Don't tell me she-" Camila was Quickly Cut off by Val saying " yes she Hit her weakness Saya Couldn't take any more she walked out of the kitchen and screamed as loud as she can In her room And Cry Marcus Rubbed his head and said " I need to get some fresh air then Camila was In the Ground Crying in pain Maria Is Beside Camila Trying to Comfort her then Camila Asked "Val WHO DID THIS?!" then Val said " Idk I just saw the guy I think He was from SCI" then Camila 's eyes Got Red and said " Enimes" then Valerian Knows  what it means when Camila said Enimes.

Val quickly Stopped Camila from Walking and said " Camila Chan Look at me Look at me" then Maria Went out to See if  Marcus was still there Then Camila started to get more and more anger but then Valerian Quickly Kissed Camila in the Lips to calm her down Which worked so then They pulled away Camila started to tear up and then she whispered " Im a monster" then Valerian Held Camila in his arms and Slid Down the floor then he whispered " No No your not" 


Marcus went out And Yelled IN his  head Then He heard Foot steps and saw Maria then at this Point he didn't care Much the Last Missing Pice in his life is now gone he sat on the steps then Maria try to comfort him by saying " its okay Marcus Its okay" then Marcus said " No No its not okay alright Y/n was the last thing i wanted on this world now- now sh- she's gone?!"then Marcus Got up and Go to Y/n's room and lay down Her bed still smells Like her The same bed they slep And the same bed they had *e* with each  other he cried his way to sleep all night thinking about y/n.



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