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The 7 Teenagers and there Master Lin Had a nice convo Then Master Lin said that " Get ready to pack" then Y/n said " where are the others" then Lin said " In Vegas now GO and meet me in y/ns car" then  they all got up and went to there  dorms and started to pack.


the girl was in her closet she was ready to go she just had a Backpack then she was starting change and took off her makeup and while she was in the middle of changing Marcus walked in the dorm very Quiet then The boy shut the door and looked at the girls body he Quickly Turned around And said "SHIT" then the girl turned around Looking at the boy  In shock AND said " AHHH WHAT THE FUCK MAN?!"  then the girl Quickly Changed Into her Regular Outfit which is In the book cover then She quickly turned Marcus Facing her She saw is eyes closed she Flicked his eyes for it to open and then Marcus said " OWW!?" E OPENED his eyes  then the girl was about to blow then Marcus Just went " Lin told me to go to check on you" the girl rolled her eyes then she grab her bag and they both walked on the way to the hall then they both stopped for no reason they both looked at each other then y/n smirked and pushed Marcus on the hall and began to run while Laughing The boy got up and Started to chase y/n and said " HEY YOU SON OF A PRICK GET BACK HERE"   then once they reached the ally the boy  ran out and everyone looked the both of them then y/n said " AH sorry im late i was doing things" .

then Marcus ran out of breath ten said " he pushed me out the fucking hall" then Y/n said " Push is such a word i would like to call it a giving you a little nudge. 

" oh ill give you a ill nudge when i shove my foot up your ass" then Chico  said " hey watch you fucking language infront of the freaking Principle".


They where waiting in the airport then they called " 1st class going to Las Vegas" Lin stood up then they all looked confused then Lin said "Come on that's us" we all shrug and got up and gave our tickets to the lady and sweet the Teenagers got there own 1st class by them self's  then Lin said " i'm going to my both have fun" we all looked at each other and sat down a flight attendant came to us and said " hi what can i get you guys?" y/n said " tequila please" then Marcus said " Margarita Lemon"  then Saya said " uh water" Chico  was just looking at the girl and the girl was looking at Chico then Maria Said " ill have a Lemon Lime Vodka"  then Brandy said " soda  pop" then the girl was taking notes Chico grab the paper and wrote his number  then Chico sat down then y/n teased him "  Wow I  didn't expect for you to flirt and have sex with the next Lady you see" she said Teasing Chico while blinking her eyes sarcastic ly  then the Flight attendant came back with our drinks Y/n was next to Marcus they got there drinks then Chico stood up and Grab the flight attendance waist they they both left then Chico looked over his shoulder and Mouthed " FUCK YOU Y/N" then Y/n teased Him back with Mouthing " I love you   to brother" then she sat back The whole time Marcus was trying to hold his laughter then he just burst out Y/n looked at Marcus who was laughing the hell out they both Laugh then after a Hour of the flight it was dinner time Y/n fell asleep in Marcus's Shoulder then Marcus Fell asleep in her head the Saya out of no where took a picture then woke them up.

"oy sleeping couples its dinner time"  then y/n woke up so did Marcus they looked at each other then quickly turned away then Chico Teased Y/n " wow I didn't expect you to Have someone beside you after going in the school" then Y/n yelled " No you SHUT.THE.FUCK.UP." then another flight attendance came to us and asked for our orders then y/n said " ill have a pasta"  Marcus said " and ill have a chicken  ravioli"  then we had  our dinner then it was tie to sleep y/n pulled out a knife and before Y/n could make a move Marcus grab the blade and whispered  "let me help he pulled y/n to the bathroom and help her cut the side of her whist then the girl Squeezed her arm then a tracker popped out Marcus grab the tracker and flushed it in the toilet then y/n 

looked at Marcus and said " Marcus" then he answered " yeah?" then she pulled the boy's  shirt out then put the blade next to his side waist and said " hold still" the girl pulled out the Tracker and putted them in the sink and the boy wondered why  is she not stopping then another tracker came out then she put the two trackers in the sink and Licked the blood that was coming trew his waist the boy Slightly moaned "hmmm" then the Lick made the wound All better it as gone in a snap Then the boy looked at his Waist and shocked that the wound she licked was gone then the boy suddenly got hard then the girl Chuckled and asked the boy " way I help you?" the boy looked down and nodded  the girl took out his HEHE and she grab it The boy felt the girls cold hands In his Di- AH  and he moaned of how she just put the 10 Inches Didledo in her mouth  now for a few minutes of Marcus Moaning he grab the girl Softly and grab her hips and started To kiss her neck the girl moaned loudly then the boy whispered in her ears " shh you don't want them to hear us and wake them up' SAID in a husky voice  and  the boy kissed the girls  neck then then they went back to there mini room separately then a minutes later the boy Threw a bag of frozen peas in the girls  head while laying down in the bed from the other Bed then it woke her up and she stood at her bed and looked at the other mini room without a roof  and looked at Marcus awake then she Said " what the fuck that hurts?!" then the boy said " can I sleep with you?" then the girl said " what what NONO ONO?!" then the boy was trying to cuddle her then the boy said "SHH no stop its fine" then the girl said " okay fine but that does not mean you have to throw a Frozen Gag of Peas in my head" 

Then Marcus said " okay sorry winter" then they both got comfy and fell asleep cuddling each other.



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