Chapter Forty-Four

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Keyara had just cut the call she received from Devon, with the latter ranting about how Danika wasn't allowing him to go to the underground anymore. The sibling started bickering once again when Keyara took Danika's side. She sighed and turned, her eyes connecting with a pair of blank, black eyes.

She let out a shaky sigh. She knew this was going to happen.

"I know, I know," she started, pinching her nose, tossing her phone on the bed. "I should've gone through you first then speak to him, but you can't blame me for anything. I'm still not regretting anything that I did because I think I did what I think and know is right. But if you're mad, it's justified. But the thing is, I'll cry if you yell at me. So, just keep your voice low."

She was looking at the floor all the while, causing her to miss the approach Keygan made towards her. Once he was barely a feet away from her, he reached out and pulled her into his arms, arms tightly around her waist, head dropped on the crook of her neck.

Orchid, she smelt like orchid.

Keyara let her smile grow.

"Thank you," he sighed, his breath slowly caressing her skin.

"I just thought you deserved it."

"But still, that was much more than I could ever ask for."

"Nah, it didn't take me that much."

"How-How did you do that?"

She shrugged. Normally it would take her a never-ending cycle of procrastinating if she had done something she wasn't used to. But after having the talk with Mr. Blythe, she felt just right. Because she knew it was the right thing to do.

"Just talked to him. . . and showed him your gallery," she murmured, a little unsure how his reaction would be. The first time he had showed her the gallery she never missed how he masked his sadness while he told her about the background of every single photo of his. As he talked about his father, there was a flash of what it seemed to be a cross of sadness and sorrow flickered across his features.

She'd got his point, and fulfilled his wishes.

Keygan gaped at her. "You brought him to the school?"

She winced, scrunching her nose. "Well, yeah, I've ran out of choices on how to change his mind. Moreover, I thought he wouldn't be there but he was."

He didn't say anything else.

He was going to pull her into another hug when there was two knocks on the door and Mrs. Blythe peeked in with a sly smile.

Keygan gave his mom a tight lipped smile. "Yes, mom?"

"Can you guys cut down your romance and grace us with your presence downstairs? Like right now."

She went away before any of them could say anything.

Keyara smiled and untangled herself from Keygan. "Come on."

Downstairs, the family was sitting around the table, so Keyara went and pulled the chair beside Faith and sat on it. Keygan was the last to join, and when he did, Mr. Blythe cleared his throat.

"So, tomorrow is the last day of school," he started, loosening his tie. "We're leaving to Grandma's house the very next day so I want all of you to pack."

"Are we celebrating Christmas there?" Faith perked up.

Her grandfather nodded. "And New Year."

"We're staying there for two weeks?!" Faith beamed, a wide smile stretching across her face.

Mr. Blythe repeated his previous nod. "Yes, we are."

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