Chapter Seven

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The door that stared back at Keyara was a tan blue wooden door which had a half glass on the upper part, allowing her to see the view from the inside. Danika had led her till this path and vanished from her sight before Keyara could manage a blink.

Grumbling at the fact the edge of the glass was way taller than her, she reached on her tip-toes and peeked inside. The class itself was surrounded with four evening light colored walls - a light, subdued, delicate lavender with an amethyst undertone. The floor was tiled and she felt an odd feeling of encouragement looking into the class.

It felt like everything but prison.

Knowing the fact prison was nothing but boring, this class wasn't nothing but boring.

Dotted with almost a dozen of counters that was sprinkled with baking tools and machines, the front wall was pinned with a pair of vertical sliding whiteboard, scrawled by some cake designs and flavours. Did not take a second guess for her to print the fact it was a classroom for an elective course as she roamed her eyes around the pinboards, allowing the student to give some attention to the notes.

Her anxiety levelled down to a much slower pace when no one was presented in the classroom. This would give her time to settle herself in the class and no one would notice, unless the teacher calls her up to the front and requests her to introduce herself to her fellow classmates.

There was a big no there.

Sighing, the balls of her feet turned her around, allowing her back to rest against the door.

The overwhelming feeling that washed through her didn't gave her any joy.

Sick, pain, anger, was these feelings she wanted to write on herself and show it to everyone?

And what, gain pity? No, she shouldn't.

Keeping a low profile and stay hidden under the radar was what she ever wanted to do.

And that was what she was going to do.

A nearing footsteps reached her ears and Keyara looked up with a pair of alarmed eyes. The tips of the heels collided with the white tiles made some unexciting noise but since Keyara noticed most of the staffs and teachers here wore heels, she also told herself this was one of the fact she should get used to.

How marvellous.

The scowl on her bright red lips matched the errupting frown on her already deepened forehead. No more than thirty, Keyara was sure at least one student here had made some inappropriate move on her. The white crisp shirt she had pulled on herself was tucked under the loose black trousers that hung until the mid part of her black heels.

She had tied her pale brown hair into a professional bun which should've required some hair spray and none of her strand succeed to escape from the tight knot. Tucked between the crook of her bent elboe and torso, three files held a lot of papers.

Upon stepping much closer to Keyara, the teacher's scowl deepened. "Aren't you suppose to be in homeroom?"

Keyara thought about ignoring but going against the idea, she lifted her portable messenger and started writing it before giving the teacher the full view of her neat handwriting.

Living alone gave her a lot of time to spend. Drawing alone couldn't cover up the whole free time she had so she started by working on her handwriting, which eventually took a year for her to take control of it.

New student here.

The scowl morphed into a frown. "Are you mute?"

Once again, Keyara lifted the board once she was done writing.

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