Chapter Forty-Seven

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Chocolate moist cake was what pulled Faith right into the kitchen. A two tier cake covered in chocolate moose and frozen berries sat proudly on the counter, serving both as Michelin worthy and aesthetically. Keyara stomach whined quietly, reminding her all she had the past 8 hours were few light snacks and a cup of very bland coffee.

"Nah uh," Mrs. Blythe shook her head. "This is for the night. Hands off."

"But I'm hungry," Faith huffed. Right on cue, Catherine appeared with a cupcake—chocolate with pink frosting—in her hand. She handed one to Faith before reaching for another for Keyara.

Both girls said their thanks and started devouring the chocolatey dessert.

"Have you girls eaten yet?"

"No," Faith answered Grace. "Just snacks since Grandpa didn't want his car dirty."

"Men and their cars," Catherine shook her head. She proceeded to tell how cautious her late husband had been about his ancient vehicle that he didn't let anyone climb in with their shoes on. "Like, it's a car. Car has carpets, carpets serve a purpose. And heels, God, he didn't let me wear my heels because it would create an unflattering hole in the carpet."

Keyara suppressed a snort.

Mrs. Blythe suddenly screeched as if she had remembered something from the back of her mind. "Remember, that one time, when Tim made fuss for hours when a bird shat on it?"

To that, the older ladies burst into horse-like snickers, waving hands and all.

"He didn't take off the canvas for weeks!" Catherine slapped her knee repeatedly, crouching down to clutch on the stomach. "Shit, how could I forget it?"

"People who died always come back to hunt people who make fun of them." Grace glared at her daughter and granddaughter, though a hint of smile lingered quietly.

Catherine replied, "Mama, if he were to come to hunt me, he surely would've killed me ages ago for I've sold his car."

Mrs. Blythe laughed again, placing down the remekin she had been washing. "Oh man, I would've loved to see his face if he ever got to know you sold his car."

"I can imagine two horns growing and smoke visibly coming out of his ears."

Keyara and Faith glanced at each other.

Is this normal? Would be Keyara's question.

Get used to it, that'd be Faith's response.

Never in her life would Keyara ever thought of making fun of a guy who had died. But here she was, throwing unnecessary smiles and chuckles to make it seem like she was actually interested in this little chit-chat.

Keyara took her time to sink the fork into her cake. As she looked at the dessert in front of her, she subtly adjusted in her seat and felt the string of her sweatpants digging into the bottom of her stomach. She reached down and made it loose.

Keyara wasn't in denial.

She knew she was gaining weight. And she was proud of it. Her inner thighs were almost touching and she could no longer see her ribs poking through her skin.

She vaguely remembered Keygan patting her stomach and said it made a good pillow. Then he proceeded to lay his head there while they watched Rambo with Mr Blythe. The older man spared a teasing glance but never commented on it.

"Where's the rest?"

Blondie took a seat on the counter, his hand grabbing half of Faith's cake before the poor kid had a chance to react.

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