𝟬𝟳. 𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗽𝗲𝗿 𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 {𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁}

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Esmè stood in the ER as another trauma came in and sighed. She looked as arizona walked over to her and smiled

"where have you been you haven't been at the flat lately" arizona asked as Esmè looked to her sister and smiled

"oh i er stayed with a friend that's all" Esmè said as arizona looked to her and smiled

"oh you mean Jackson so how's it going there" arizona asked as Esmè looked to her sister and rolled her eyes

"has anyone ever told you that you are really nosy" Esmè said

"yeah you several times. I mean Jackson is a great guy he's a little full of himself and cocky but if he makes you happy" arizona smiled

"I'm surprised how cool your being after the last person I slept with" Esmè said as arizona looked to her and smiled

"well the last person you slept with was mark Sloan and he may be Callies best friend and part of my life but it doesn't mean I want him between my little sisters legs" arizona said as Esmè looked to her and rolled her eyes

"that was months ago besides I'm not going back there mark is still not over his ex and you know that and I am happy with Jackson that's all you need to know" Esmè said

"well I'm glad" "you are far to bubbly to be my sister do you know that and I have a lung transplant if you want in" arizona said

"Oh, hey. Uh, I'm down with a l-lung transplant" alex said as he walked past as Arizona looked at you

"Oh, no ... because you slept with my girlfriend, And I find at when I look at you, I want to hit you with a brick" she said

"Dude, that was, like, years ago" he said

"Maybe, but jealousy's a green-eyed monster, and if you ask any one of my kids, they'll tell you, There's no reasoning with a monster...Dude, run away before I find a brick" arizona said as Arizona and Esmè walked off

"As my soarer, don't judge me for that" arizona said as Esmè looked to her and smiled

"your terrible you know that" Esmè said

Esmè walked down into the er and frowned as she Jackson as he came in with the paramedics and frowned as she looked to him

"Jackson?" She said as he looked to her and smiled as Cristina rushed over to where they were

"Sir, I need you to move to this gurney" Cristina said

"I got this, Yang. All right? You're not even in scrubs" Jackson said

"Sir, I need you to stay calm so I can do a proper examination" Cristina said

"Tell this lady to back off, Jackie" Harper Avery said "Jackie?" Esmè asked as Jackson gave her a look

"Whatever. It's not ... Look, I've already paged Bailey, and he's not cardio. So you can lose interest yang " Jackson said as the two of them looked to each other as Esmè started to Examine him

"Yeah, we'll see about that. Sir, I'm a surgeon, a very good one" Cristina said as Esmè rolled her eyes

"So is my grandson. So why don't you take your hands off me?" Harper said as Esmè chuckled

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