𝟯𝟵. 𝗔𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗵 {𝗥𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲}

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Jackson avery walked down the hallway. He had just got to Boise. He felt sick. He had gone days. Days knowing that something was wrong as he didn't hear from Esme. He knew that the last time that they had talked it was a fight but she was upset and angry and had taken it out on him and he got that

But she had been in a plane crash and she had nearly died and the thought of it. He couldn't bare it. He walked into the room. He looked to Esme as she lay asleep peacefully. He walked over and sat next to her bed and kissed her forehead as she looked to him

"Jackson? Is it really you or is my head more fucked then said" she said as he placed a hand on her cheek and brushed her blonde hair out of her face and smiled

"It's me sweetheart it's really me" he said as he leant down and kissed her. She looked to him and smiled

"I thought I lost you" he said as she smiled

"I'm here. I'm okay" she said

He lay on the bed next to her as he brushed her hair out if her face "I have to get on a plane. I have to go home and I have to get in a plane and I don't think I can do it" she said as he smiled

"I spoke to bailey. They're going to sedate you all. Because of mark and your mind condition they have too" he said as Esme frowned as she thought of chloe

"How's mark?"

"He keeps coding but he's still with us. Chloe is distraught her mom is here. She brought grace. Your mom is arguing with the doctors they want to cut her leg off. It's bad. Your okay and that's all I care about you almost died"

"I know I was out there and all I can think over was a bitch I was to you...how I never got to be your wife. I think that we should do it. As soon as we can. I'll get a dress. You get a tux and we'll get married" she said as he looked to her

"Are you serious?" He asked as she nodded

"Yes. I haven't been more serious over everything. I don't want to spend another second not being your wife" Esme said as he cradled her cheek and leant in and kissed her

"Let's do it" he said as the doctor walked in

"Is she okay? Is she clear to go?" Jackson asked

"I have your results back. There's no head trauma but probably just stress making you throw up out there"

"Not the way I was throwing up" Esme said

"Well it's probably just the morning sickness" she said as Esme and Jackson tensed

"What did you just say?" Jackson asked

"Yeah what he said"

"Yeah morning sickness. Your pregnant. Two months I'd say. You didn't know"

"Does this face look like I know" Esme asked. She was freaking out

"Well congratulations, the baby is fine and so is mom" the doctor said as she walked off leaving Esme and Jackson

"So much for no condoms" Jackson said as he looked to Esme

"Are you okay? Talk to me Esme your freaking me out. What's on your mind" he asked as she smiled

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