𝟬𝟵. 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗠𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗴𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗿𝘆 {𝗦𝘆𝗺𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗵𝘆 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀}

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Esme smirked as she stood in the shower as she stood washing her hair, she smirked as she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and smirked as she turned to face Jackson, he pulled her close as he pushed her waist the wall and kissed her

Esmè moaned as he ran his hands up her soapy body as she smirked. Esmè moaned as he dropped to the floor as he got between her legs and pleasured her.

Esmè bite down on her hips as she wrapped her legs around him and he tongue moved in and out of her

"Esmè" Meredith said as she walked into the bathroom as Esmè cursed to herself

"yeah" Esmè said as Jackson continued to do what he was doing Esmè could feel her body tense up in pleasure. She knew that she was getting close

"I need to talk to you, Izzie not here and your the only one I can talk to" Mer said.

"What's up" Esmè said. She was trying not to focus on what Jackson tongue wa doing to her as Meredith sat on the toilet to talk to her

"He wants me to have a baby" Meredith said

"Do you want to have a baby?" Esmè asked

"A baby doesn't want me. I had the worst mother in the world. I would be the worst mother in the world" Meredith said

"I called addison, after Chloe's breakdown? She's going to kill me" Esmè said as Derek walked in

"alexa brother is he" he said as Esmè popped her head out of the curtain

"he has a brother?" Esmè asked as she and Meredith held a look as Meredith walked out of her the room as Esmè pulled Jackson up and smirked

"what are you trying to do to me" she said as he looked to her and smirked as he leant in and kissed her

Esmè got to work and saw Chloe as she stop moping around

Esmè was worried over her best friend, she knew that she was going through hell and she hated to see her like this

"I got you a cappuccino" Esmè said as she handed her a coffee as Chloe smiled

"I'd rather it was a double vodka, anything to forget mark Sloan and stop me having to see him move on with the likes of teddy, I mean I know I broke up with him and I know I. Brought this on myself but I always thought we'd find our way back to each other you know and I Never thought he'd be with the likes of teddy I mean what does she have that I don't" Chloe said as Esmè smiled

"nothing babe. You shouldn't blame yourself for this mark has always has terrible taste in woman not yourself of course" Esmè said as Chloe smiled

"your only so positive because you have a sex life how is Jackson" Chloe asked as Esmè smirked

"he's good" Esmè said as Chloe raised an eyebrow

"it's that good then the sex" Chloe asked as Esmè looked to her and smirked

"let's just say he knows what he is doing especially with his tongue" Esmè said as Chloe looked to her and smirked

"mark use to be good at everything" Chloe said as Esmè smiled reassuringly

Esmè frowned as she stood by reception and frowned as she looked to see arizona and Callie as they acted awkward

she looked to see Callie as she walked off with mark and walked over to her sister and frowned

"so how long are you going to do this, avoid whatever is going on with you and Callie. You love her why don't you talk to her over the baby idea, you love kids I just can't believe you never want one. I mean you basically raised me" Esmè said as arizona smiled

"I did and I did an amazing job, I love Callie I do and I love children but I basically raised my little sister and I don't want to raise another child, having children...I can't handle it" Arizona said as Esmè looked to her and smiled

Esmè could tell that Arizona was being off with her and how she was hiding something

"look I don't know what is up with you or your issues over it but you love Callie and is it worth it to loose her because of it" Esmè asked as she looked to Arizona and smiled as she walked off.

Esmè knew it was complicated

Esmè smiled as she walked out of surgery as she saw Jackson. She walked over to him and smiled as she kissed him

"hey" she said as he looked to her and smiled

"hey. I feel like I have hardly seen you. I heard you were working with Webber on the patient had a stroke" Jackson asked

"yeah mrs Clark. It's a shame they seemed like a lovely couple, shepherd has to speak to him over turning off her life support it's tough" Esmè said as Jackson smiled

"I'm sorry. I have been with a gun shot victim who's husband is desperate for a baby which had been thinking do you want kids" Jackson asked as Esmè took a sip of her coffee as she choked and looked to him

"what now? It's been like a four months and we're in the middle of our residency" Esmè said as Jackson looked to her and smiled

"no, not now but in the future i mean I know it's only been a few months but I'd like to think I have a future with you" Jackson said as he took a hold of her hand as she looked to him and smiled

"so do I and to answer your question I do want kids one day and I want is all, the marriage, the fights a future but I want to get through our residency first" Esmè said as Jackson pulled her close and kissed her

"so do I"

Esmè sighed as she walked out of mrs Clark room as Lexie turned off the life support and sighed. She walked over to where Jackson was waiting for her and smiled

"are you okay" he said as he held her close and smiled

"I don't know things are hard right now. I need to be up on the helipad. Will you come with me, there's someone I need to meet and I don't want to do it alone, I just want the company" Esmè said as Jackson placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he leant in and kissed her

"of course, I will do anything for you. You know that" Jackson said as Esmè looked to him and smiled.

Esmè walked into the lift with Jackson as he hand an arm wrapped around her and smiled as he kissed the top of her head as he held her close.

They soon reached the top of the helipad as Esmè smiled as she looked to see who had stepped from it

"Esmè" she said as she hugged her

"thanks for coming. She needs you right now"

"of course, she's my little girl" "and mark Sloan broke her heart and your addison Montgomery and she needs you more than anything" Esmè said.

Esmè knew Chloe would be pissed for breaking addison to town would Esmè knew that Chloe needed her mum how more than ever

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