𝟭𝟬. 𝗔𝗿𝗶𝘇𝗼𝗻𝗮'𝘀 𝗳𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀 {𝗛𝗼𝗼𝗸, 𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿}

930 14 2

Esmè walked down the hallway outside of the chiefs office with Jackson and april as they saw Meredith

"what's going on" Esmè asked

"Is that thomas evans from baylor?" Jackson asked

"Yes, but don't get too excited. He's only here for one case" Meredith said "Oh, are you sure? Because I overheard Chief Shepherd discussing the fact That Dr. Altman doesn't have a permanent contract. So it would actually be a really genius move on the chief's part To go in and seize that opportunity to ..." april said

"oh, here we go again" Jackson said as emse chuckled

"What?" Meredith asked

"Shut up" April said

"She thinks your husband walks on water" Esmè said

"I don't. I don't. I, um ... No, I'm ... I mean, it's ... it's a professional thing. It's, um ... It's a mentor thing. He's ... he's just my mentor Because he's ... he's married ... to you. And you guys are ... are so great And, um, together ... together as a married couple, And you ... you ... you are so great" April rambled

"Wow" Jackson said

"I, um, I do ... I do think that your husband is brilliant, But I'm ... I'm sure that you think that, too, so ..."April said

"That's right" Jackson said.

"Okay. That, um ... Thank you" april Said as she walked off as Esmè tried not to laugh as Jackson wrapped an arm around her as Meredith looked to them and frowned 

"what just happened" Meredith asked

"april is in love with your husband that's all let's hope it's not a repeat of the you, addison and his situation" Esmè said as Jackson placed a hand over his girlfriend mouth knowing that she had no filter

"she's winding you up, come on" Jackson said as he lead her off

Esmè walked over to the nurses station as she saw Chloe who was looking into Sloan hospital room. She placed a hand on her best friends shoulder and smiled

"so she had the baby, what does that mean" Esmè asked as Chloe sighed

"apparently she said she was going to keep it, he said he'd help her besides if she left tomorrow it would still mean nothing. He still chose her over me. A child he hasn't known over me and now my mum is back, she says she's worried over me" Chloe said as Esmè smiled

"can you blame her chlo, this mark things had got you down and you know it. I know things are hard but still but you need your mum, you deserve to be happy and she's the only one who can help you out of this depression that you have landed in" Esmè said as Chloe smiled

"you know I didn't plan it, I didn't mean to end it with him, he chose her, then he moved on to Teddy Altman off all people and they're pushing their ever so perfect relationship in my face and I hate it, my mom wants me to go to la and clear my head but I can't, this is my home and if I leave I may never come back. I just don't know how my mum knew" Chloe said as Esmè smiled

"it was you?"

"Technically is was Mer but I told her. I'm sorry I was worried over you and your my best friend and I didn't want you to get hurt anymore, she's your mom and I didn't know what else to do" Esmè said as Chloe looked to her and smiled

"don't worry I get it" Chloe said

Esmè smirked as she walked over to where Jackson was "I'm hungry do you want to grab some lunch" she said as he smiled

"sure" he said as he grabbed her waist and pulled her close as they walked along the hallway, she grabbed his white coat and pulled him to her and kissed him. He ran his hands down her waist and gripped her butt and pulled her close and smirked

"I thought that you were hungry" he said as she smirked

"I am just not for food" she as she slid her hands up his scrubs top feeling his toned chest, he looked to her and smirked as he pulled her close

he pulled her into the on call room and locked the door behind them as they started to strip off as he lead her over to the bed as wrapped an arm around her waist as he dropped her onto it. She looked to him as smirked as he ran a hand up her thighs and smirked she knew that she was wet and wanting him but she knew how good that sex was with Jackson and she knew that he wasn't just going to give it to her, she looked to him and moaned as he pleasured her

"you really are ready for me, well I guess I'll have to make you wait some more" he said as he went down on her. Esmè moaned as she felt his tongue enter. She bite her lip and arched her back to him

"Jackson" she said breathless as he pulled away and looked to her and smirked as he slipped on condom on and pulled her close as he pushed into her, she dug her nails into him amd moaned as he started to move in and out of her

Esmè stood by the nurses station as she looked to Arizona

"so what is going on with you and this kids issue, you always wanted kids" Esmè asked as arizona looked to her and sighed

"it's more complicated then that Esmè"

"you think as it doesn't make sense to me, I don't know what your issue is or why you don't want kids but what I do know is that Callie is the best thing to happen to you, do you really want to loose her" Esmè asked as arizona looked to her.

Esmè walked off to find a case to work on as arizona looked after her and sighed, Esmè had no idea of the real reason why arizona didn't want kids and how it was to do with her and how it was one hell of a secret

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