𝟮𝟲. 𝗖𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘆 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗠𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗴𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗿𝘆 {𝗣.𝗬.𝗧}

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Esme knew how she had called addison . She was worried on Chloe and she was worried on her best friend. Chloe was pregnant and she was feeling alone and Esme knew that she did want to be there for her and help her but nothing could help her with what she is going through

Esme knew how she had called addison and told her how Chloe needed her but she hadn't told her over mark and how he had cheated and lied to Chloe and got her pregnant and not just her but Callie. All that Esme wanted to do was rip her head off and she knew it was no good

Esme lay in bed as her phone rang off of the side. She looked to see if was addison and cursed. She knew how addison was coming to Seattle and hoe she hadn't told Chloe what she had done but she knew Chloe and how she was too stubborn to ask for help

Esme looked to Jackson as she woke him up "hmm what is it" he asked as her smiled

"I need you to keep an eye on Chloe" she said as he frowned

"Why is she okay" he asked as she rolled her eyes

"What do you think" she asked as he sighed

"Look I have to be some where it's an emergency oksy just get Chloe into work okay. This job is the only thing keeping her sane. She is a mess and mark Sloan is good at getting in her head" she said as he nodded

"You owe me" he said as she kissed him. She quickly got dressed and walked off out of the flat

She ran a hand through her hair as she walked down the street as she saw addison "Esme" Addison said as Esme sighed

"Not here, look Chloe is in side and I Can't tell you what happened but she needs you and she's been hurt. I think she needs her mom" Esme said as addison frowned

"It's to do with mark isn't it" she asked as Esme nodded

Esme got to Arizona apartment. She frowned as she saw Callie. Esme knew that she still had a lot of hatred

"What's the goo for" Esme asked as Arizona smiled

"It's a nutritional drink for pregnant woman. Maybe you want to give Chloe some" Arizona said

"I'd be wearing if Chloe is not in the mood and I did something" Esme said as Arizona sighed

"Please don't tell me what your pregnant too. As I couldn't deal with that" Arizona said as Esme rolled her eyes

"Such faith and I am not pregnant but I may of called addison and she may be here to see her daughter and I don't know what to do Chloe is going to kill me" Esme said

"Chloe won't kill you I know none of this has been easy on you and I know how you feel over Callie and mark right now and don't roll your eyes at me in your mother" Arizona said as Esme rolled her eyes

"Chloe knows you didn't do this to hurt her addison may be the only person to get through to her" Arizona said as Esme smiled

"Are you sure that this is what you want the baby I mean Callie hurt you. Also I don't see why you want another baby when you have me" Esme said

"You'll always be my daughter Esme you know that"

Esme got to work as she saw Jackson and smiled as she walked over to hun "you called v didn't you" he asked as he didn't look up from the charts he was filing out

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