𝟬𝟯. 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆 {𝗶𝗻𝘃𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗶𝗻 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲}

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Esmè groaned to herself as she lay in bed. Her pager beeped off of the side as she picked it up. It was the middle of the night.

She looked to it and groaned as she lay back in bed. She he was tired and she didn't want to go to work but she knew that she had no choice. Esmè sighed as she stood from bed and started to get dressed.

She looked to the mess and groaned. She was too tried being a surgeon to tidy up. Esmè grabbed her car keys off of the side and her phone and pager as she walked out of the flat as she drove to work.

Esmè sat in her car and yawned wishing that she was still in bed and not going to work at 4am. Esmè got to work and walked in as she saw arizona

"I should of known that you were behind the evil that was dragging me in at 4am"

"well karev is in surgery and your my second best. I taught you a lot before you became a doctor" arizona said

"second best, how kind. Surgery" Esmè asked as arizona nodded

"I'll see you in there" Esmè asked as she grabbed the patient file off of the side and read through it before she headed into surgery.

She wanted to be prepared beforehand

Esmè walked down the hallway later that day as she took a sip of her coffee. She saw Jackson and smiled as he walked over to her with a coffee

"i got you a coffee but you have one" he said as she looked to him and smiled

"oh trust me I want your coffee I have hardly slept in the last month and I had a surgery at 4am and a tumour on a baby" Esmè said as Jackson smiled

"are you on the pedi rotation?" Jackson asked as Esmè shock her head

"no but I am heading the way I have a baby with tumour to check on" Esmè said as she took the coffee from Jackson and took a sip


"your favourite" he as said as Esmè looked to him and smiled

"your right, I'll see you later" Esmè said as she walked onto the peds ward. She walked over the small baby and smiled as she checked on it and sighed.

Esmè sighed as she checked on it and smiled. She knew that it was going to be a long shift

"your going to be okay little girl, we're going to keep an eye on you" Esmè said as she looked to small premature baby and smiled to herself

Esmè walked into the NICU as she saw a topless Alex as he had the baby on his chest

"well is this a new way of treatment I haven't heard of" Esmè asked as Bailey looked to her

"let karev do what he has to do robbins" Bailey said

"that's my patient Bailey"

"not anymore" Bailey said "your kicking me off my case. Charming" Esmè said as she walked off and out of the room. She walked down the hallway of the hospital as she saw Jackson

"Reid things yang is out of my league"

"I didn't know you her. You do know that she is cut up on hunt right?" Esmè said as they walked down the hall

"I don't but I was thinking we could go to the party tonight" he said as she smiled

"since it's for my sister I have to go" sje said as he smiled

"well your shift is almost over" Jackson said as Esmè looked to him and smiled

"if i didn't know better doctor Avery I would saying you were stalking me" Esmè said as Jackson chuckled

"oh you wish" he said

Esmè got to the party and sighed as she grabbed herself a drink as Jackson walked over

"would you count it as a party if she walked out" he asked

"God knows, I know it's lame but at least there is alcohol" Esmè said as Jackson looked to her and smiled

"well you do have a point there" he said as she handed him a drink. Esmè sighed as she ran a hand through her hair as she left him in the kitchen. She walked into her room as Jackson followed me

"now I am pretty sure that you are following me" Esmè said as she took a sip of her drink

"I don't know what you mean, I mean I may be a bit drunk but I know what I am doing" he said as she looked to him and smirked

"and what would that be" she asked as he grabbed her by the wasit snd pulled her close

"I think you know" he said as he pulled her close and kissed her.

Esmè froze a moment before she wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled him close and kissed him back but what did this mean between Jackson and Esmè?

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