Chapter 10

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"Hmm?" I mumbled as I opened my eyes.

Bobby was getting clothes to change into for the day.

He just ignored me until I sat up and started talking to him.

"Bobby, I'm sorry about last night," I said.

He didn't say anything, just sat on the bed next to me and grabbed my hand.



"Are you mad at me?"

"Well," he started, "not necessarily. I'm over our fight from last night. But I'm a little concerned that you were more than okay with me sleeping on the couch. You normally need me in here."

"I was just trying to make a point," I said.

After a pause, Bobby said, "I'm sorry about last night, too. It's not like you were the only one who freaked out a bit."

"You never kissed me goodnight," I whispered.

"You don't know how disappointed I was that I didn't get to kiss you goodnight," he said.

He kissed me lightly and squeezed my hand before getting up and going to change.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you, too," he answered.

When he came back out, I asked in a quiet voice, "Are you even going to consider quitting?"

"I'll think about it," he answered and kissed my forehead before he left our room, calling behind him, "I'll be back at 3:30."

I laid back down in hopes that I'd get some sleep before one of the boys woke up.

At 7:26 Ness started crying. I hadn't really slept at all since Bobby left, just laid in bed with my eyes shut. I got up and changed his diaper before rocking him back and forth in my arms until he calmed down.

Twelve minutes later Lucas came upstairs.

"What's up little munchkin?" I asked.

He yawned.

"You hungry? Want some breakfast?" I asked.

He nodded and I walked (holding Ness) to the kitchen with him following me.

"Well, we have waffles I can toast," his eyes lit up, "or cereal. Or else I can make you toast or I can cut up an apple for you."

"Waffle," he mumbled.

"Alright," I said and opened the freezer.

I started toasting his waffle and asked him usual questions for a three year old.

By noon, both boys were ready to eat and Ness refused to let me put him down. I knew going out in public was a risk alone. Not only would it be me and both boys and a tantrum could happen publicly, but also the paparazzi would be everywhere and Bobby wouldn't be able to calm me down at all. I decided we should go out to eat anyway.

We went to In-N-Out and Ness started crying practically right after we ordered. So, the plan changed when I decided we'd take the food to go and eat at home.

Once we made it home, I noticed an extra car in the garage compared to when we left. It was Bobby's, like he was back from work.

He got off at 3:30 today though, right? That's what he told me earlier.

I got Lucas out of his carseat before getting Ness out and curiously walking into the house.

"Bobby?" I called.

A Fairytale Ending: A Christina Grimmie & Bobby Plizak Fanfiction (trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now