THE BIG 30!!!

17 0 0

I wake up in a weird mood for some reason  sliding down the rail of the stairs like allways but then i realise i forgot my glasses because my eyes started hurting so i  run back up stairs grab them from my bed side table then slide down the railing again i walk into the kitchen and find Ari made her homemade waffles that taste like heaven!

"Hey Morning! I got the mail for ya here you go." She says handing me an envelope.

It's from social workers... Wait since when did they send mail?

"Its from social workers..." I sigh... Thats it... They've finally figured out that im living with out a legal guardian... Now they are gonna take me away to someone in my family that i havent seen in years so who knows what they are going to be like. And ill possibly be away from all my Friends... Kian... Trevor... I drop the paper as i am reading it and Ari looks at me.

"What happed?" She says putting 2 waffles infront of me.

"They are taking me away..."

"Where to?" She asks sitting infront of me

"it doesnt say... What do i do it says they are comming tomorrow and today to inform me where i am going."

"Surely the would have informed you earlier." 

"I dont remember anything like it..."

"Well thats dumb! I cant loose my best friend! I already have once! But we're back now! I am not loosing you again!" She says slamming her fist onto the table

"Carefull thats glass!" I say laughing

"Opps sorry. But its true!" She says

"I know it sucks... I might not even be here for New years!" 

"It's Shit!" Ava says emerging from the lounge room

"Wait... How did i not see you!" I say

"You didnt have your glasses on." Ava says

"IM NOT BLIND!" I say 

"SORRY!" Ava yells

"Ergh... Ill be back im getting changed... Before they get here..." I say 

I grab out a Plain black t-shirt and White shorts then jump into the shower. Not literally! I would probably fall onto my face.

Once im done i get out brush my teeth and hair leaving it its wavvy self doing my makeup then i hear the doorbell and Ava calling my name.

i slowly walk down stairs and find a middle aged looking woman in a black suit thingy.

"Maddison Lawley?" She says in a deep tone

"Yeah thats me." I say trying to swallow the lump in my throat

"We have been informed that you have been living in this house with no leagal guardian for quite some time. Now I understand you got our letter." She says like nothing is going to happen.

"Yeah" I say comming out more high pitched then usual what this chick is intimidating... Her pitch black hair is tied in a formal bun and her eyes are an extreamly Dark brown followed by mascara and eyeliner.  It scares me...

"I have come to you to inform who you will be staying with. Now I believe you have an uncle Named Jason. Your Mothers Brother?"

"Yeah but i haven seen him for 4 years..." It's true i haven seen him since his daughter Tash was adopted Then a couple months after that he was broke up with his rich boyfriend and Mum and Dad stopped talking to him... 

"Well you will be staying with him untill you are 18. We will come by tomorrow at 1pm to take you there. good day Miss Lawley." She says then turns around and walks away with the sound of her heals right behind.

"Well?" Ava asks With Arianna right beside her

"Im going at 1 tomorrow... They are taking me to Uncle Jason... He lives about 5 minutes away so its not that bad!" I say smiling but on the inside it Kills... I dont know what he's like if he's changed or not i dont know...

"Well at least we can still visit!" Arianna says wrapping me and Ava in a group hug.

"Yeah i should probably let Kian know..." 

"What about Trevor?" Ava asks

"He's comming over later. I'll tell him then. In the mean time im going to pack." I sigh Telling Kian AND Trevor... That will be the worst.

I walk upstairs and go to my Room open up my phone and just stare at the Text im about to send to The group Chat im in with Kian Sam and Jc.

Hey I have some shitty news... -Maddie

In two seconds i get a response From everyone

What happend? -Kian

Do I have to pick you up from jail?- Jc

Whaaaat...? -Sammy P

No Jc... Not this time... I'm getting sent to Uncle Jason's house because I'm not living with a legal guardian... -Maddie

But thats's 10 minutes away From us! -Jc

Fuck... I knew i should have stayed with you... -Kian

How did they know?- Sammy P

Kian its not your fault... and I dont know someone must have told them... -Maddie

I'll be right over... -Kian

Don't worry about it! -Maddie

Shit... -Sammy P

I guess its not that far we can still visit right? -Jc

I hope so I cant remeber what Uncle Jason is like...-Maddie

I know I'll find a way to see you! No matter what! -Sammy P

Haha well i gotta go pack :/ Bye guys... -Maddie

Bye! xxxx -Sammy P

Bye Skit! xoxox -Jc

I grab out my neon Green suitcase. Dont ask why it's Neon i liked it at the time. I Start stuffing it full of T-shirts, Pants, Shorts, Jumpers, Shoes and Kians flannel, My makeup straightener hair brush and everything else like that. I look further into my wardrobe since its empty and find a Black shirt. It's too big to fit me so its not mine too small for Kian... It's Trevors... I place it into the bag. I just look at the suit case. Its almost over flowing the best part about this suitcase is it has a bunch of storage so it can fit heaps! It stars to bring Tears to my eyes. I dont know why... Then I See Kian barge in through my door and his mouth drops when he notices how empty my wardrobe is. 

He walks towards me with his arms open and i just jump up and give him a bear hug letting the tears fall.

"I wish i was here to look after you... I never thought that you would get caught..." He says

"It's not... Your Fault... It was going to happen" I let out

He doesnt say anything we just stand there hugging then he lets go. I wipe my tears and then Kian speaks up

"What time are you going?" 

"At 1:00 tomorrow." 

"Need any help packing?" 

"Im just about done... But I am going to need someone to look after Mia and Shadow... I dont think i would be able too..." I sigh

"Sure thing! I'll take them home when you leave." He says

"Thank You Kian!" I say sitting on the floor zipping up the bag

"No Problem i should head home. I'll see you tomorrow!" He says walking out.

"Bye...' I whisper

Hey Guys! So remember how i told you that i got a guys number?? We talk like everyday and hes so nice :O But yeah anyway on monday i got back from camping and i met a cousin i havent met before and we are like bestfriends! On easter moringing we stayed up until 1 just talking about random stuff! haha Well i better go guys! hope you enjoyed the chapter if you did Vote and comment some stuffs! Dont forget to throw me a follow on twitter! @Howlett_Maddie


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