Chapter 35

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After a few minutes of Tash constantly talking about her and Will's adventures we get home.

I take a peep inside and luckily Jason isn't home cause if he was and Saw Trevor here he would kill me!

"Go and get changed Tash ill help you in a bit." I say heading to my room and Trevor follows.

"Nice room!" He says laughing

"Shut up I only moved in yesterday I haven't got my shit together yet!" I say going to my suitcase.

"Sorry sorry I really like it!" He says sitting on my bed

"Don't lie!" I laugh

"Ok then I wont."

"Good! Hey while I get changed can you go check on Tash please?" I ask And he nods then walks out.

I get changed into a blue bikini with black shorts. I take off my beanie and put my hair in a high pony with my bangs out and throw a long white shirt over and slide my converse on. Just as I'm ready Tash and Trevor walk in.

"Great job on the outfit choice Trev!" I say looking at Tash as she twirls in a mini pink frilly bikini.

"Thank you I am a fashion designer you know!" He says putting his hand under his chin pouting.

"You wish Moran!" I says doing the sassy click

"Shut up and lets go to the beach Lawley!" He says walking out the door pulling me behind

"Alright just let me get a change of clothes for Tash to wear when we walk down!" I say trying to escape from his grip.

"It's ok i have some!" Tash says pointing to her back pack.

"Well then LETS GO!!!!" Trevor yells pulling me out the door

"Trevor i didn't get towels!!" I say then realizing there are some over his shoulder

"Its ok i have them." He says still pulling me and Tash along.

After a long few minutes of Trevor pulling Me and Tash to the beach we make it in one piece and Trevor throws down the towels and Tash drops her bags and takes off her shorts and shirt then runs in following Trevor

"TASH! DON'T GO TO FAR!" I yell then Trevor looks back and realizes that Tash was up to her shoulders so he ran back and picked her up and brought her in with him.

Is it just me that thinks it's adorable when guys like this with little kids or??

I take my shirt off then slowly go in because it's really cold.

"Come on princess!" Trevor yells

"Yeah!" Tash says latching onto Trevor

"Shut up! Its cold!" I yell

"Here grab my hand!" He says putting his hand out.

"No because one you will pull me under and two you have a child in your hands!" I say pointing to Tash

"So? I'm strong!" He says laughing

"Sure you are!" I say then i end up catching up to him and its up to my waist.

"SELFIE!" Trevor yells

"You Brought you phone with you.... In the water..."

"It's ok it has a water prof case!"

"Trevor... knowing you you would drop it and loose it..."

"Hey! I said selfie!" He groan's putting his phone up and Tash pouts Trevor has a sassy face on and I close one eye and poke my tongue out.

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