Chapter 38

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Once we get to the beach we park the cars and let the dogs out and we couldn't find Ricky

"FOUND HIM!" Sam yells pointing further down the beach. To two figures hugging.

"EW!" Jc yells as we walks up to them

"Wow not afraid of PDA are we?" Kian says laughing.

"No not really" Ricky says smiling and Charlotte starts going bright red and buries her face into Ricky's chest

"Well lets get the fire started!" I say finding some sticks for the pit.

"Maddie I already got some wood..." Charlotte says pointing to a pile of wood

"Oh... Well we need kindling!" I say throwing the sticks on the pit and Sam starts lighting it.

Everyone is doing there own thing at the moment Ricky and Charlotte are swimming Jc, Tash and Ava are making sandcastles, Sam and Connor are stuffing their face's with chips, Kian is passing out drinks to every one, Ari and Kaleb are sitting on the sand drawing random things and Trevor was no where to be found...

"Hey Kian Have you seen Trevor?" I ask as he hands me a coke

"Yeah he told me to tell you he had to run to a meeting he should be back soon." He says sitting beside me starring into the fire

"Ok cool" I sigh then there is a small pause.

"Hey It will be ok! Lets make some s'mores and we'll save some for him." He says hugging my side then jumping up and walking to his car to get a bag.

"OI! Marshmallows! Get here Wahozit!" He Yells making weird noises at the end

Sometimes I question if he really is my brother...

Everyone Instantly sits around the fire with a block of chocolate biscuits and a bag marshmallows each.

We are all sitting there together but it doesn't feel right because Trevor isn't here

"Maddie mine is burning!" Tash yells as she pulls it out and it is definitely on fire

"Quick blow it out like a candle!" I say and she blows it out

"Its burnt..." She says sadly

"Here Just pull the black stuff off" Kian says and he pulls it off

"Ew! How can you eat that!" She screams as Kian eats it smiling with some of it suck in its teeth

"Kian... It's all over your teeth..." Jc says laughing Then Kian instantly stops smiling and puts another marshmallow on his stick then we all burst out laughing

"Woah!" I say looking out into the ocean and the sun is setting along the water leaving the ocean A crystal blue colour and the sky going pink then purple then a blue.

I take my phone out of my pocket and quickly snap a picture and Connor moves up to the water and crouches down to take a picture.

I walk up to him and crouch next to him and go to re take the picture but this time adjusting the brightness before taking it.

"Hey that looks awesome!" Connor says

"Thanks Con so does yours!"I say then he gets up and goes back to the fire.

I move my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms round my knees. Staring out into the ocean

"Hey Maddie?" Ava calls. I turn my head and she is walking towards me

"You Ok?" She says sitting me to me

"Yeah..." I sigh

"Maddison Lawley. I know when you are upset! Come on! Whats wrong?" she says wrapping her arm around my shoulder

"It's Just I was looking forward to this and I mean I am having fun but... Trevors at a meeting and..."

"Let me guess it's not the same?" She interrupts and I just nod

"Babes he will get here! Trevor will find a way!" She says moving her hand up and down my back comforting me.

"Thanks man." I say turning to face her and hugging her

"Anytime." She says then gets up and I do to then we go back to the fire

I sit down next to Kian and Tash and Kian looks at me with a sad face.

"Everything is fine." I whisper and he Hugs my side

"It better be." He whispers back making me laugh and by laugh I mean breathing more air out of my nose then usual and smiling.

You know like the thing you do when watching a funny video but don't wanna laugh out loud or people with think your weird.

Yeah I think you get it.

"HEY! WE HERE!" I here a voice yell.

I look up and I see two familiar female figures

It's Jenn and Rebecca

"JENN! BECCA!!" I scream then they run down the sand to our fire and I jump up and run to them.

Mind you it's really hard to run in sand.

"MADDIE!!" They yell engulfing me in a group hug

"I missed you guys!" I say

"Missed you two!" Jenn says

"How is it at your Uncles?" Rebecca asks

"It sucks!" I say

"Awww GIRL!" Jenn says

"Come on lets go to the fire." I say

Everyone said they're hello's then JJ came.

After a few hours everyone starts counting down...

"10..." They all yell





Trevors not here yet...

Trevor Moran I don't care If your meeting is still going


No I am not sorry about leaving this on a cliff hanger

Yes I am evil

And Yes I enjoy it

But anyway whats up?

That's good! Or bad, Really depends what you said I guess...

So me and my friend Tiah have been freaking out because of all the The 1975 business

First of all, THEY ARE PINK NOW!

Second of all, They must NEVER I repeat NEVER do that again!!



but yeah thats all that has happened this week if you guys have any questions about anything just ask ill answer them next week

(Look I actually posted on time for once!!)

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