Chapter 4

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I wake up and check if Jc’s still asleep. But he’s not there! He must have gone to the bathroom or something. Better check my phone anyway. Woah 11:00? I didn’t think I slept that long!
Get down here! Jc and I made pancakes! –Sam
Yeah yeah be down there in half an hour Sammy –Maddie

I just wake up and I’m already getting hassled! Geez! I run to my mirror and so a lightly put on a little makeup and put my ugg boots on. Putting my hair in a messy bun then going downstairs. 

“Maddie!” Kian yelled running up to me and hugging me… This is weird… Because the only time Kian acts like this is if he's planning something or its my birthday and the last time i checked my birthday was in May...
“Hey Kiki.” I say hugging him back.
“Maddie! Here we made pancakes.” Jc said handing me a plate.
“Wow you guys this this looks good as! Since when were you chefs!” I say laughing and eating the pancakes and grabbing me frap out of the fridge from last night.
“Since always Maddie.” Sam Said.
“She pays such little attention to us!” Jc said pouting.
“Oh get over it you guys. Hey Maddie you up for a drive today?” Kian asked laughing I still had a mouth full of pancakes so I just nod.
“Sweet what about you guys you keen?”
“Yeah I’m up for it!” Sam said Grabbing another pancake.
“Yeah ok and by the way Kian when is Maddie gonna meet the other guys? I bet she would really hit it off with Trevor!” He says winking at me and Nudging Sam… and I really don’t know what he is on about.
“Soon Jc Soon… I’ll be back I’m gonna go check up on Ricky.” He says grabbing his keys.
“Wait I’m Really confused…” I say
“Why?” Jc asked sitting next to me
“I knew there were more people in Kian’s collab group but how many exactly?”
“Oh about 3. But one left. He’s still part of the family though” Sam said.
“Wait so that makes 6!?!” I say counting with my fingers.
“Yeah. That’s about right.” Jc says stealing a bit of my pancake the I hadn’t eaten yet.
“HEY! Meanie.” I says Grabbing my plate and taking it to the sink.
“Do you want it back?” Jc said.
“EW! No you’re gross!” I say and Sam and Jc crack up laughing.
“I’m gonna go to Starbucks you guys coming?”
“Although I just finished my drink from last night... Yeah! Just let me get changed I’ll be down in 15 promise!” I say running up stairs. I quickly brush my teeth. Put deodorant and perfume on, re-do my makeup and get changed into a pair of jet black short shorts and a long-sleeved plain white belly shirt and blue vans I let my hair down and brush it then grab a Blue and mint green snapback. All in under 15 minutes! I grab my purse and phone then go downstairs.
“Come on guys let’s go!” I say Heading to the door. Sam gets his Snapback and Jc grabs his shoes throw Sam his shoe’s then we walk out the door.
“Do you wanna drive its pretty hot out here?” Jc asked
“yeah ok.” We all walk to Jc’s car and I’m stuck in the back Because Sam already called shotgun. 

Hey guys so i know you wondering "Maddie where the hell is Trevor!?!" WEll calm down he is in the next chapter i promise! xx

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