Chapter 53

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Trevor hands me his guitar and I start to strum the guitar making sure it's in tune

"Sorry, she hasn't been played in a while." He says with a smile

"Nothing a quick tune won't fix" I say doing the final strum and then starting to get the first part if the song down, once I do I learn the chorus and then I should be fine

"Do you want to practise your part first?" I ask and he nods happily

I start strumming and Trevor sings flawlessly.

"In a blink of an eye,
Just a whisper of smoke
You could lose everything
The truth is you're never alone
So, I'll kiss you longer baby
Any chance that I get." He sings and he stops even though I keep strumming I look at him in confusion as to why he stopped singing

"Why did you stop?" I ask and he smiles at me shaking his head

"Just something came Into mind..." He says smiling awkwardly.

I put the guitar beside me by the couch and look at him.

I grab his hand that is on the edge of the back of the couch and hold it with both my hands

"Trevor what is it?" I say and he shakes his head

"Trevor!" I say more sternly

"I realised something Maddie... I seriously still love you..." I sit there a little dumbfounded and not knowing what to do

The best thing to do is tell him the truth...

"Trevor I still love you too..." I say and he smiles then bites his lip


"Wait you do? I was expecting you to shut me down, you know since you and your boyfriend Sean..."

"Woah, woah, woah! Sean and I aren't dating! he's my best friend!!" I sit there holding up my hands

"Serious?" He asks like he was just told he won a million dollars

"Yeah, Im serious! He's my Irish brother!" I say trying not to laugh then he jumps on top of my hugging me and kissing me all over my face and I can't help but laugh

"Trevor! STOP! It tickles!!" I say moving around but he doesn't stop

"Trevor I swear to god!" I say and he stops with him laying on top of me and his arms holding him self up beside me pinning me in.

"So do I get another chance?" he asks smiling

"I mean I don't know..." I say biting my lip

"Have I ever told you that when you bite your lip it is incredibly sexy...?" He says and I continue biting my lip

"You bitch" he says then pushing his lips onto mine forcefully onto mine making a rush go through me and the fireworks that I have missed for a very long time and I move my arms up to around his neck.

"I missed that" I say winking as he pulls away and he does it again,

But this time longer and he moves his hands to under my back arching my back up making me closer to him, if that was even possible...

"So about that offer?" he says smiling and panting

"Ill take it!" I say and he smiles making me giggle

"Come on we have work to do" He says winking and my arms slide off this neck with me frowning

"Do we have to? I like the other idea better" I say smirking and he smiles looking down at the floor

"Well how about... We do some work then we can do the other idea?" he says moving closer to me again wrapping his arms around my waist

"Me likey!" I say like a little kid and he gives me a small peck and then I grab the guitar and start strumming and singing my parts.

It was a very nice night that night, some how we ending up sleeping in the same bed, if ya know what I mean ;)

I wake up and find my clothes on the floor and I'm in a real big shirt and pants that clearly aren't mine.

I feel strong arms around me and familiar but deeper light snores making me smile because of how much I've missed this, missed him, missed us.

I look at him as he's laying in front if me and he's completely out of it, or at least I thought

"Hey sleepy!" he says in his morning tone which is deeper, croakier and much sexier

"Hey there, how long where we up for?" I ask and he smirks

"Don't know we came in here at about 4 so maybe 5, 5:30..." he says and I smile

"Wow, didn't think we took that long!" I say and he pulls me closer to him as I am kinda far from him

"Well they do say Time flies when your having fun!" he says winking and I lightly punch his bare chest and he smiles trying not to laugh

"Fuck you!" I say laughing

"You did, last night... well this morning" he says and I get out and flip him off while walking out the bedroom door to the kitchen as I'm extremely hungry,

I grab out a frying pan after searching the cupboards a million times, grabbing some eggs and bacon and putting the bacon in the pan after it heated up and started the scrambled eggs.

As I'm flipping the bacon I feel arms wrap around my waist and a head on my shoulder.

"Smells good." Trevor says swaying me left to right

"Same with you" I say inhaling his fresh showered and cologne scent

"Anything to please bæ." he says kissing my neck and I laugh since it tickled. He stops swaying me and then let's go and heads to the fridge.

I put the bacon onto the plates and same with the eggs and I hand one to Trevor and he hands me a glass of orange juice in return.

We both head to the couch and flop down with Trevor switching on the tv so we watch The Regular Show.

It soon turns to 12pm so I decide to head upstairs to get changed back into my clothes, without noticing Trevor following me.

"Do you have to go back?" he asks sitting on the corner of the bed and I take of his shirt

"Yeah... Kian probably thinks I'm dead..." I say sliding on my shirt

"But then again you don't have to!" he says walking up to me cupping my face

"I think I might though" I say frowning and he gives me a light peck

"Well how about I drop you off then," He says smiling and I nod

"Alright but let me get dressed first, we'll see how long we can keep this quiet" I say and he smiles. he never stops smiling I swear

"Yes you can tell Ava, but she can't tell anyone else" he says winking

"I wasn't even implying anything like that!" I say laughing and he walks out

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