Chapter 60, Final?

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You Guys are going to hate me for this... SORRY!

It's been 4 years since we last spoke...

How are you?

I wake up to Jackson crawling into bed with me and Trevor.

"Jack, whats wrong?" I whisper and He cuddles up to me

"Mummy, I had a scary dream, It had monsters." He says messing up the word monsters

"It's ok. How about you go back to sleep and I'll make you some pancakes in the morning?" I say and he nods flashing his cute little smile and closing his eyes


I wake up before the boys and I get up and head downstairs to keep my promise for Jackson.

making the mix and cooking them. I look over to the clock and its 8:42am.

Ava emerges from the corner with a smile but looking half drugged

"You alright?" I ask her

"Headache and Watson kept texting me all night." She says grabbing a water bottle.

Watson? I know that's what your wondering.

It's her boyfriend and shes moving in with him tomorrow actually.

"Well, He needs to grow some balls! He could have stayed last night!"

"He has to work today or her would have... Why are you making pancakes you haven't made them since it was Jackson's 2nd birthday!"

"I promised him I would last night." I say as she sits on the island bench

I plate up the pancakes ans Jackson comes downstairs looking groggy but his face lights up when he sees the stack of sweetness

"Wanna go wake up Daddy?" I ask him and he nods.

I walk over to him and pick him up then walking to my room seeing Trevor sprawled out on the bed. I place Jackson down on the bed then I go on the other side sitting down cross legged then Jackson starts jumping up and down yelling 'Wake up Daddy!'

"I'm up!" Trevor yells and Jackson stops but then jumps onto Trevor and all you hear is him groaning

"Morning Hun." I say kissing him

"Nice wake up call, Now I have to deal with a little booger!" He says sitting up then grabbing onto Jackson and pulling him onto the bed and tickling him

"No! Daddy! Stop!" Was all you could hear from Jackson and his little bursts of giggle

"Come on kids! Time for breakfast!" I say getting up and going to the other side of the bed

"Jack, you meet us there Aunty Ava will help you." Trevor says and then Jack runs out and Trevor grabs onto my waist pulling me down onto the bed

"Good morning Sexy." He says in his morning voice

"Morning." I say giggling as he kisses my neck

"Stay with me for a bit?" He asks smirking at me

"Would love to but, I'd better see if Ava is destroying the hou- Fine" I say and he starts nibbling at my neck knowing that that's my weakness

He sits up and then moves me onto his lap with me facing him then forces his lips onto mine making out with me roughly with our tongues in a war over dominance.

We sit there like this for a while now with things starting to get heated but then He pulls away with me biting his lip.

"I would love to continue this but I think we'd be better off doing it when there is no one home." He says winking

"You have a fair point, We might have to make Ava take Jackson somewhere very soon then." I say and he kissing me hard one more time and he pulls away struggling not to go back.

I get off him and then start walking away when I feel his embrace behind me and him not caring that his little buddy is digging into my back.

"Trevor Micheal Moran. Contain yourself" I say and I feel his breath going down my back due to his small laugh

"I'm sorry I cant help it," He says and I turn around to find him smirking his little evil smirk

We slowly get over our little, big moment and head downstairs to find Jackson happily eating his pancake that are cut up into millions of pieces.

I feel my phone go off and it was a twitter notification

It was a picture of Trevor and I crouching down with me and Trevor Kissing Jackson's cheeks and him with his moth open shocked. I remember the photo shoot because it was only a couple months ago and Jackson hated it cause he was hungry and we were in a little Forrest taking photos.

It had a caption saying 'Perfect Family' With a little purple heart emoji.

I screenshot the photo and tweet back 'Sweetie we are far from perfect' Sending a heart back and then setting the photo as my lock screen.

"Trev, Have a look." I say handing him my phone and he smiles

"Still will be my favorite day, Even if we had a whining toddler with us." He says kissing my cheek and then grabbing a pancake.

My family isn't perfect of course but they are mine. And I can't wait to see what the future has for us.

It's ok! I have written an Epilogue!

That will be posted tomorrow then it will go through editing because one of my friends will do it cause shes cool :)

So epilogue tomorrow :)

Thanks for reading All :)

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