Chapter 12

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*Trevor's POV*
I saw Maddie in a lot of pain she got shot in the leg causing her to fall and hit her head... hard... Sam's calling 911 and Jenn's freaking out. I feel Maddie grab a hold of my hand.
"Trevor Get someone to call Ki..."

Then she was out... I still had hold of her hand I didn't want to let go I felt a tear fall and I tried to hold the rest back.
"JENN CALL KIAN!" I scream with my voice cracking to be honest I didn't care right now... "Don't you dare leave me Maddie..." I whisper... She can't go... I finally met someone who I can completely understand... I know I may not have known her that long but it feels like I've known her forever!
"The Ambulance is on their way now!" Sam said sitting down on the bench with his head in his hands.
"Trevor he's not picking up you try with your phone!" Jenn says sitting next to Sam comforting him while I still have hold of Maddie's hand and I don't want to let go! I find Kian's contact on my phone and call him.
Voicemail. I try again
Voicemail again... One more try...
Voicemail... Fucking Hell Kian of all the times you Don't have your phone!
"Kian Lawley answer your fucking phone! Your sister is about to be taken to hospital she got shot in the leg and hit her head pretty bad!" I say hanging up.

I'll Try Ricky he always has his phone. I dial his number and he answers straight away
"Hey Trevor!" Ricky says answering the phone
"Ricky no Time Where is Kian?" I say with my voice breaking again.
"At Connor's why?"
"Maddie. Shot in the leg. Going to hospital. Meet us there! Bring Jc and Rebecca! Bye" I say hanging up. I dial Connors number and starts calling him Please answer Connor!

"Hello?" Connor says in a muffled tone
"Connor Drop whatever you're doing and put the phone on speaker so Kian can hear me!"
"Whats up Trev?" Kian says calmly
"Your sister just got shot in the leg she fell hit her head pretty hard on the ground the Ambulance are here now taking her to the hospital." I say with my voice breaking.
"Oh ...Fu....Fuck... Um Trevor I want you to go in the Car with her! Who else are you with?"
"Sam and Jenn..."
"Get them to drive to the hospital Connor and I will be there soon!"
"Alright bye" I say hanging up.

"Jenn, Sam Drive to the hospital Kian wants me to go with Maddie all the others and Rebecca are going too."
"Alright Be save Kid!" Sam Said Patting my back.
"Yeah you to!" I say
"Text me if anything changes please Trev!" Jenn Asked.
"Promise!" I say. I get in the Ambulance with Maddie while she's laying there pale... she's still breathing slowly... but she's real pale her leg is covered in blood and a bandage.
"Please Maddie don't go... I... L... Love you..." I whisper

*Kians POV*

Fuck my sisters in hospital... I need to see her I now I'm not capable of driving I'll ask Con to take me... FUCK! Who would shoot an innocent girl! I swear if I find out who did this...
"Dude get in the car. I'll take you there." Connor said.
"Thanks bro!" I say walking to Connors car my eyes are welling up with tears I've lost Mum and Dad and I am not losing my sister... My best friend... Maddie...

After the freakishly long drive we finally make it into the hospital and I run up to the front desk.
"Maddie Lawley!" I ask panting.
"Room 301." The lady said
I run past the rest of the guys in the waiting room completely ignoring them! I had to see my sister! And no one was going to stop me! I herd Connor telling them what room she was in and they started running behind me I was not waiting for them...I reached the elevator... that would take too long to get here... so I started running upstairs... so many fucking stairs... I finally reach the floor Maddie's ward was on. 298, 299, 300, 301 I burst open the door then I see my baby sister just lying there with IV cords running through her arms and oxygen mask on her to help her breath and a cast on her just below her knee and her hospital gown with a little blood on it... that's my sister... I'm still standing in the doorway and I fall to my knees running my hand through my hair. Why didn't I stay with her last night...? Why did my little sister have to be shot...? I feel someone patting my back and I look up to find Jc and Sam standing there I stand up. My eyes were bloodshot from crying and I have tear stained cheeks so did Sam and Jc. I wipe the tears away quickly
"Kian its ok to cry." Jc Said.
"She's your sister bro just let it out." Sam says
"I just wish I was there... To catch the fucking idiot that shot her... That's all!" I say I'm starting to get shaky and real pissed off.
"Kian Sit down or at least try talking to her." Sam suggested. I have a lump in my throat so I better not say anything a just sit on the chair next the her bed lean over and rest my head on my hand crying letting all the tears fall to the ground.
"I'll go get some water dude." Sam said
"I'll Come Kian you need to be alone with her..." Jc Said.
I stand up and move closer to Maddie. Her eyes are closed she looks peaceful but not all at the same time... I thought her Fans must be worried so I make a quick tweet.
@KianLawley: Hi Everyone Just a quick update some of you May know that My Sister Maddie is In hospital because she was shot... She hasn't woken up yet though :'( #GetBetterMaddieLawley

AWWWW Trevor the cutie!!! But poor Kian he's freaking out so much! Will She pull through and wake up? I know this chapter was a little over dramatic but o well i hope you enjoyed!!! Dont for get to follow me on Twitter @ninja_maddie

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