Chapter 17

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We get to Trevor's and because I didn't want to get out Kian went and got Trevor. I did a quick check on my hair while I had some time and it looked good black beanie and brown wavy hair! Works well! I still had some time left and I didn't know what was keeping Kian and Trevor so I made sure I had everything in my back pack. I moved my crutches out the way and rested my bag on my lap making sure not to put too much pressure on my left leg.

Folders, Pencil case, Pens (stuff like that), Lunch just so I won't have to have the crappy cafeteria food and My glasses... Wait where are my glasses... REBECCA! She didn't put them in!

Hey Becca are my reading glasses on my desk at home? Xxx - Maddie
Yeah why? Oh crap I forgot to pack them sorry! I'll get Jenn to go to the school after and drop them off xxx. -Rebecca.B
Thanks Bec xxx! - Maddie

I Zip up my bag and put it back at the side of my feet then pull my crutches closer then I see Trevor opening the opposite door to my side and Kian getting in the car.
"Hey little one!" Trevor says with a smile on his face.
"Hey there Trev!" I say then Kian starts driving us to school.

Trevor gets out first then he grabs his bag and runs over to my side of the car grabbing my crutches for me. I put my backpack on my back and put my hands out for my crutches and Trevor hands them to me so I can get out of the car. I thank him then Kian walks up to the Front office with me and Trevor.
"Hello Miss Winfield... Umm where would the lockers be for the 10th grade?" I ask politely to the worst and rudest teacher in school...
"Oh it's the Lawley's... I'll get Mr Adams to show you that." She says giving me and Kian a dirty look. See she hate almost everyone at our school but me and Kian the most! Because when Kian was in school he would always prank all the teachers with Sam too and she was their main target! She hated it and can't stand me Kian and Sam.
"Kian can you grab my bag please?" I ask because it was making me have a pain in my back.
"Sure thing." He says grabbing my bag off my back
"Hey Trevor are you ok? You haven't said a word since we picked you up..." I ask concerned
"Yeah I'm just nervous that's all." He said looking at me with his eyes shining from the light which was adorable!
"It's ok Trevor I know how you feel plus I got your back." I say winking at him which made him smile and Kian just started bursting out laughing.
"Ah Hello Kian Long time no see! How are you?" Mr Adams asked Kian shaking his hand. Mr Adams is cool he's probably the nicest person here except for another teacher Miss Reddy. He always tells me that Kian and I are his favourite students that ever went here. He actually didn't even tell Kian and Sam off for doing the prank on Miss Winfield! He just gave them a lunchtime detention and said 'Good Job' to them!
"Hi there Mr Adams and good thanks you know Maddie obviously and this is Trevor Moran he enrolled earlier this year!" Kian explains
"Oh Hi there Trevor and Welcome! Oh Wow Maddie what happened here!?" He asks
"Well you see Mr Adams...." Kian begins but then they walk ahead of us until we can't hear them talking anymore so Trevor and I followed.
"See Trev it's not that bad here! Until you get caught up with these girls..." I start but then Queen Bee and Her little assistants walked up to me and Trevor.
"Well Hello There Maddie Welcome back! We missed you!" Queen Bee, Alice said.
"Yeah where have you been Maddie?" Jessie asked.
"Recovering and Staying away from you Dogs..." I say
"Dogs? Now that's a bit harsh now isn't it?" Alyssa asked
"Not for you girls anyway." I bite back
"Maddie there is no need to be rude we just wanted you to introduce you to your little friend here" Alice said
"Oh Sorry Trevor meet Bitch 1, 2 and 3!" I say Pointing to Alice Jessie and Alyssa while still holding on to my crutches.
"Wow Maddie what happened here finally got hit by the book of real life did we?" Jessie laughed.
"No I fell over because I was laughing at you girls being so fake! But if you want to know what really happened I was shot 4 days ago alright."
"Wow that's bad too bad it didn't change your face!" Alice said
"HEY now Lay off will ya! She doesn't deserve that!" Trevor Yelled making Mr Adams and Kian turn around
"Hey Alice if your wouldn't mind laying off my sister and my best mate that would be great or will I have to tell everyone what your sister told me about you wetting the bed 2 weeks ago! Woops did I say that aloud?" Kian says covering his mouth while the whole school started laughing and Alice Jessie and Alyssa Just walked past me knocking me making me lose my balance and fall to the ground dropping my crutches along the way.
OOOOO BUUUURRRRRNNNNN!!! Haha hey there! Yeah i dont really have anything to say because i just wanted to say ooooo burn so yeah bye! Oh and just before i forget MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!xx

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