Chapter 59

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Its been a few months now, Our fans know Maddie and I are together and having a baby, well she is.

We just released the cover and its become a #1 hit in 4 countries!

Maddie's has actually gotten a bump and she is finding out the gender today. But I'm stuck in a meeting while shes in Ireland...

I dont really listen to anything they are saying but I think about the baby, hoping it's ok.

We decided on names, If its a boy we name him Jackson and if it's a girl we name her Layla.

Maddie really wanted to call him Jackson so she let me pick if shes a girl so I chose Layla.

We are both happy with it but little does Maddie know, I'm flying to Ireland to surprise her and I'm going to move in with her. Ava said she doesn't mind but Maddie doesn't know.

All my stuff is packed and I fly out at 2pm today so if everything goes to plan the meeting should end at 11...


I board the plane late as always and I am stuck sitting next to an old lady that smells like cats... Not the most pleasant thing in the world let me tell you that.

I grab out my laptop and plug my headphones in going straight to Itunes.

I look on the top 10 of the month and find that our cover is still sitting strong at 1st place making me smile.

I put on Netfilx to watch and then sit back and relax as much as I can with the smell of cat entering my nose every breath I take.


Ava just picked me up and we are driving to the hospital since Ava just dropped Maddie off so she would be still in the waiting area (Ava's logic not mine)

We pull up to the hospital and Maddie isnt in the waiting room

"Maddie Lawley?" I ask the front desk

"Sorry, Mutual family only." The man says rudely

"I'm the father of her child!" I say raising me voice

"102..." The man snickers and I walk off avoiding the temptation of flipping him off

Soon I find her room and I find her laying on the hospital bed with her shirt rolled up exposing her pregnant stomach. I walk in and a big smile wipes across her face

"Trevor! But...?" she says and the doctor turns around and smiles

"You must be Mr Moran! I'm Doctor Hayfield" The lady says and I smile shaking her hand

"How did you get here?" Maddie asks and I move the chair beside her and I grab her left hand IN my two hands

"I dont know... I guess I'm magic" I say and she giggles

"Now y'all ready?" The doc says and we both nod

"Shit thats cold!" Maddie says as the blue gel goes onto her stomach.

We soon see something pop up on the screen and find a little figure on the screen making me smile like crazy then Ava walks in

"Thats ours!" Maddie says all giddy

"Yeah, It is!" I say squeezing her hand

"Now for the heartbeat."

At first we didn't hear anything for a while and we start to get worried and we look at each other.

We then hear the little thumping noises and we both sigh out of happiness.

"Do you want to know the gender?" Doc asks and Maddie and I nod at the same time and the doc takes a small snapshot of the baby.

"Well, I'm glad to announce that you two have very healthy baby boy, His due date should be around June 21st!" She says and we smile.

I walk out while Holding Maddie's hand and we head to Ava's car

"Good news is, we dont have to call it a little Muffin anymore!" I say and they both laugh and get in the car heading back home.


It turns over to night and I met Sean and he's actually hilarious.

We all head to bed and Maddie and I are laying in bed just talking about everything and anything

"Babe, I was thinking." I start but she interrupts

"Did it hurt?"

"I would hit you but I'm not going to... Any way to make things easier how about I move in with you? And Ava! It would be better for little Jackson here." I say putting my hand on her belly felling light kicks

"That sounds perfect" She says kissing me and falling asleep right after making me smile

*Maddie's POV*

"Hey Jackson. It's Dad, I just want to let you know that Mum and I love you very much and we cant wait for you to be out here so we can see you. I will wait of course but give us a little warning first. If your anything like your mother you will just come right out." I hear Trevor say making me smirk then I hear his light snores again.

He's going to be a perfect Dad. Which reminds me.

We need to get Jackson a Cot for him to sleep in.

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