Chapter 2

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“Hello?” I say picking up my phone
“Hello. Is this Maddie Lawley?”
“Yeah it is.” *

“Hi Miss Lawley This Is doctor Wills I called to inform you that your parents have died in a fire at the California bingo club.”
Hearing those four words ‘Your parents have died.’ Makes my smile and heart drop
“Oh Ok…” I say faintly with tears welling up in my eyes and I see Sam give me a look of confusion then snaps to worry as he noticed the tears threating to fall.
“Would you like to hold a funeral?”
“No they wouldn’t have wanted one.”
Plus nobody in our family likes them anyway kinda feel sorry for them… KINDA!
“Well in their will’s They said they leave the house to you and the mortgage paid all the bills are up to date and they left you with the remaining money they had witch wast $1.000 and your brother Kian? He gets his mother’s very expensive engagement ring to give to the woman in his life when he wants to get married.”
“Ok well thank you Doc.”
I say hanging up the phone almost in tears…

“Maddie is everything ok?” Sam asks I can’t say anything I have a big lump in my throat and Tears threatening to fall I just didn’t trust myself in saying anything so I just shake my head.
“Come on lets go to the beach we can talk then if you want.” He says coming over to my side of the table. I stand up and nod. We wave goodbye to Jackie then Sam puts his arm around my waist rubbing circles close to my back to try and comfort me. I put my phone in my pocket then I pick up my board. We are walking in silence all you could hear was me sobbing. We get to the beach and Sam and I sit on the sand.
“Maddie you know I’m here if you need.” He says as I take a sip of my drink since we didn’t finish them.
“I know it’s just that… it’s just… Sam My parents are dead!” I say between sobs
“Holy Sh… Maddie!” Sam says crawling beside me turning me to face him then he gives me a real big hug.
“Sam I don’t know if I can go home by myself can you come please?” I ask as I nuzzle my face into his shoulder.
“Of course I will Maddie when we get there we’ll call Kian and tell him to come over.” Sam says picking me up off the Sand then we both brush us off and ride back to my place.

“Hey Kiki Can you come over to my place please.” I say sobbing I can hear light sniffles from Kian too.
“I’m guessing you heard… I’m on my way there now!” He says then hangs up I unlock the door then walk in with Sam I run to the kitchen to see if there was a note or… or… something. And I found a note below where I wrote a note for Mum.

Hey sweetie have fun. If we are not home later tonight then we are still at bingo club, we might be home late love you xx -Mum 

“Maddie?” Sam asks with a shaky voice walking into the kitchen and he notices me crying at this point I just broke down I couldn’t stand the fact that they are dead. I know I didn’t like them much but they are still my parents!
“They’re really dead Sam!” I sniff still crying I run into Sam’s arms and I just hug him. He picks me up bridal style and Carries me to the couch I just rest my face on his chest. He places me on the couch then he sits next to me. I just wrap my arms around him and then wraps his arm around my shoulder.
“You know this feels like back when you were 14 and the Dick Kyle Dumped you when Kian was in Florida and You called me and Jc. Remember? We just sat here!” Sam says trying to comfort me and Surprisinglyit works but even Sam let a few tears fall.
"Yeah that was shit.” I say giggling
“Thank you Sam!” I say Looking at him.
“For what?” He asks confused.
“For always being here for me no matter what you were doing you always came when I was upset or I just needed some company.” I say kissing his cheek. 

Bad new came so early for Maddie :( will she get through it?
Anyway I hope you like it if you do then vote and comment!! Also don't forget to follow me on twitter. @ninja_maddie

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