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Everything has gone so perfectly. Trevor, Jackson and I decided to move back to California and Jackson actually starts his very first day of school today. Shadows still with us! She's just as awesome as she was back when I was 16!

Trevor and I are still working on music together and he is still going with his YouTube.We got Married last month too! It was a perfect as ever except for the fact the Jc decided to have a little too much Champagne. It was still funny.

Ava and Watson? They had two twins named Jessica and Faye, Cutest little girls ever. They got married just before Trevor and I left Ireland. Ava is the most subbed female YouTuber EVER! She just landed 21.8 mil, which is insane! and I dont know how she keeps her sanity, I guess Watson does a good job.

Kian is being himself still with his little boy Ryan who definitely takes after him. As for Ryans Mum? She walked out on them. To this day we dont know why but now Kian has a new girlfriend named Dianna. He seems really happy with her and I'm glad he found someone he truly loves.

As for the others, Nothing Changed Jc, Kian and JJ still live together and they all pitch in to look after Ryan which usually ends in me having to look after Ryan while they film a video or whatever. Which Jackson loves because he gets to have a play date with his cousin and Uncles.

Sam well he's always out partying still just like always.  So nothing has changed with him, He's always happy to look after Jackson when Trevor and I have to Travel to places he can't go to, Same with the others.

Charlotte and Ricky Had a little girl named Kelly and she is adorable. She's a spitting image of Ricky but with Charlotte's dark chocolate eyes and they are real happy actually Ricky proposed to her two months back! so they are planning the wedding.

As for Ari and Kaleb, They are still looking after Tyler! But now they have another little boy named Ben and Ari passed all her nursing exams and now shes a fully qualified nurse while as for Kaleb, He's actually a professional football player!

"Good morning beautiful." I feel arms wrap around my waist as I fill my bowl of cereal with milk

"Good morning Mr Moran." I say turning around to see the same blue eyes and kissing him gently on the nose. 

"How is my wife?" He asks smiling and still holding onto my waist

"Tiered. Do you think you can take Jack to school today?" I ask and he nods with a big smile on his face.

"He's growing up too fast." He says leaning over the island to see Jackson sitting on the couch eating cereal watching Sponge bob with his school bad beside him

"Yeah, It's nuts..." I say leaning beside him and Trevor puts him arm around me pulling me closer to him

"Do you think we will have another kid?" He says kissing my left temple

"I want to, Do you?" I ask and he nods smiling

"Lets wait a bit, See how we go with Little Jack." 

"I think we are doing fine with him." I say and he looks at me and then smirks. "Now go! You going to make him late on his first day!" He stands up straight and pulls me with him making me stand in front of him making me smile

"I love you Mrs Moran" 

"I love you too Mr Moran." I say back and he kisses me. Long and passionate.

"Now go!" I say letting go and he frowns walking over to Jackson and he grabs his school bag.

"Bye Mummy!" He says running towards me as I lean against the door frame that has no door.

"Bye Jackson. Hey, Promise me you will behave and you will have fun ok?" I say crouching down and hugging him.

"I promise." He says with a small lisp and squeezing me tight

"Love you." I say and he runs Back to his father thats holding his bag and Jackson puts on his bag and walks out waving with a big smile on his face.

I watch the two of them walk out and smile letting a tear fall. I love this family, It couldn't be any better.

To this day we never knew who shot me all those years ago, Or who had dobbed me into the social workers, Trevor believes it was Kayden but we haven't heard from him in years! 

But that was years and years ago. And there is no point in living in the past, Thats why I'm happy to announce that this is officially the end of the book!.

Hey Guys and Gals! Thank you so much for reading this book, I know things are messed up like the spelling and what ever but he book will undergo editing of course!

But I really want to that you all for reading this book and actually making it to the end!

I hope you enjoyed this roller coaster of a book and I hope you vote and whatever I dont know.

Now I apologize to anyone who doesn't understand some of the words that are spelled weird or just ones you dont understand! I'm from Australia so our words a spelled different and our words are different to you guys probably! So if I used the word thong in this story at all I swear I didn't actually mean a thong! I meant it to be  flip flops Because thats what we call them here!

Also I was going through the old chapters at the start of the book, oh my god they are so cringe worthy... I am so sorry if you had to read that. But if you managed to get to they end... YAY! CONGRATULATIONS! YOU MANAGED TO READ MY BOOK WITHOUT CRINGING!

Or you cringed but you wanted to finish it anyway

Anyway once again that you so much and I guess if you end up reading any other of my books I guess... I'll see you in the next one! 


-Maddie :)))))))

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