Chapter 32?

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The only reason the chapter is written like this is because im too lazy to go back and see what I'm up too.

*Maddie's POV*

All of the food was spread out on the table in front of the couches and a large bowl of pop corn on both couches these girls have gone all out. I run over to one of the couches and flop down and wrap myself up in some blankets.

"Is this seat taken?" Trevor asks

"It is now." I say and he flops down beside me

"Can i have some?" He asks pouting and making me laugh

"Fine! Just don't hog it!" I say unraveling myself from my 'Burrito'

"STOP BEING CUTE PEOPLE ARE SINGLE HERE!!" Ava yells pressing play

"SORRY!" Trevor yells

"Well Ava you are the only one." Arianna says and then we all just turn our heads

"What!?!" Trevor says high pitched

"Who what when where why!?!" I say perking up

"Well this sucks... How did you two meet!!!" Ava Screams

"Well I've known him since school started and he's part of the popular group. You know like the jocks and sluts that group." Arianna Explains


"Wait so he's one of the sluts?" I say winking and everyone starts laughing

"Well whats his name then?" Trevor asks

"Kaleb... Kaleb Kingsley." She says blushing

"Dude he is like the hottest guy in 10th grade!!" I say then i look at Trevor and he glares at me.

"I said like! But you know you clearly win!" I say kissing his cheek and then he smiles and wraps his arm around around me.

"Describe him to the homeschool girl!" Ava says

"Dirty blonde hair blue eyes baby face." I say

"Masculine Abs Perfect body! What... You know its true!" Trevor says

"Im done lets just watch the movies!!" I say laughing so hard it hurts

"well i better meet him just sayin!" Ava says and then we all go silent and start watching the movies.

By the second movie i could hear light snores from my right and Trevors grip went light and straight up i knew he fell alseep. but then he nudges and the snoring stops

"You ok?" I whisper since the girls are glued to watching How to train your Dragon 2 (That movie gave me feels like no joke dude!)

"Yeah I'm fine just a nightmare thats all..." Trevor whispers

"What happened?" I ask

"It's just... Your uncle... It was that he wouldnt let me see you ever... So he forced us to brake up..." He whispers

"I promise you! He wont force us to do anything... If he doesnt let me see you I'll brake the rules!" I say and he kisses my forehead

then the girls switch the movie over to the fault in our stars. (NOW THAT! That gave me the feels! But it gives everyone the feel so... EH...) So then Ari threw a box of tissues over to me and Trevor.

"Your gonna need it! I needed them just by reading the god damn book!" She says

"Thanks Ari" I say laughing then it starts.

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