Chapter 14

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*Maddie’s POV*

Kian has a new hair colour well it’s not new! But he went back to brown! I’m glad he did but I’m going to miss the blonde!

“When do you think she can head home Doc?” Kian asks.

“Well once I finish taking some tests and if she is stable on the crutches we have given her I’ll give you some papers to sign then she can head home after that!” He answers then finishing up the tests.
“Hey gurl! Here you must be starving.” Jenn says handing me some pizza.
“Maddie you have only been awake for half an hour and haven’t eaten anything… why are you winge… Oh you haven’t eaten in two days I forgot… DON’T WORRY!” Kian says making us all laugh.
“Here I bet you want this too.” Trevor says handing me STARBUCKS!
“TREVOR! STARBUCKS! I love you two like you seriously don’t understand! Oh and you too Kian.” I say giving Trevor a massive hug and he squeezes me making me wince in pain.
“Trevor… I do need to breath.” I say then he pulls away and I kiss him on the cheek.
“Oh Sorry… I forgot it’s just I haven’t seen you in forever!”
“It was only two days!”
“Yeah but that’s a long time.”
“Mr Lawley can you come with me to get the papers singed so Miss Lawley can leave and then we will get her some crutches for her.” The doctor says taking Kian out of the room.
“Wait where Becca and Sam?” I ask confused.
“They couldn’t come but they will come to your place later.” Jenn explained Giving me a light hug.
“Ok Well Kian needs to hurry because I wanna get out of here!” I say having a little bit of pizza then giving some to Trevor and Jenn.
We are all silently eating so I check my phone… So many notifications! I open my twitter and find #GetBetterMaddieLawley Trending worldwide so I thought I have to make a tweet telling them im ok.
@ninja_maddie: Hey yall I’m Awake and well! Did ya miss me! Getting to go home today! :D Oh and thank you for the nice tweets too much appreciated! <3
Then I instantly get responses! And I get a DM from Troy Sivan!

Troy: Hey there I hope you’re doing well! I’m gonna be in Cali for a couple days we should hang xx

You See Troy and I are “Internet Best friends” we have been best friends for 3 years now! I met him a playlist live and we actually sang together so ya! Every time he is in Cali he Call’s or Texts me!

Me: HELLZ YAZ! TROY LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU ARE COMING! I miss you so much xxxxxxxxxx
Troy:  Missed you too Babez I’ll be here on Friday so ya I’ll call you when I Take off! Xxxxxx
Me: Good little Munchkin! I gotta go Bout to leave the hospital now Bye xxxx
Troy: Bye Skit! Get better real quick! Xxxxx

“Why are you so happy Maddie?” Jenn asks I didn’t realise I was smiling like a spaz.
“It’s Troy! HE’S COMING TO CALI ON FRIDAY!!!” I scream
“You Mean as in Sivan Troy?” Trevor asked
“WHO ELSE!?!” I Say.
“Come on Maddie Take these and these Go and get changed we are going home!” Kian said Passing me my crutches and giving me a bag full of clothes to change into. I Make it into the bathroom and open up the bag to find my makeup deodorant my toothbrush and toothpaste a hair brush and clothes to change into you see Kian Is Terrible when it comes to fashion for girls so Jenn must have picked it. She got me a plain white Tee that’s longer at the back then the front a pair of purple skinny jeans and my Black Converse. I get changed and do everything else and realised when I’m putting my shoe on I can’t wear both of them so I put the left shoe back in my bag. I throw my bag over my shoulder grabbing my crutches and standing up going back into my hospital room.

“Let’s Go!” I say with a big smile on my face
“Here ill take your bag.” Trevor says with a sweet smile on his face how I missed him!
“Thanks Trev.” I give him a little peck on the cheek.
“Now Maddie we managed to clean out Kian’s old room so he finally has all his stuff and there are boxes everywhere because mine and Rebecca’s stuff is there you we are almost finished unpacking then we should be ready to be officially roommates!” Jenn Explains
“Perfect! I can’t wait!” I say getting into Kian’s car.

It wasn’t a long drive home but Jenn Trevor and Kian filled me in on what happened while I was in hospital Tredie is trending on twitter all because of the picture Blake put up! Jc and Lia are official! Even though I already knew it they told their fans Yesterday the fans are handling it well! School started! And Arianna and Kayden are back from Australia. Now if your wondering who Arianna and Kayden are they are my two best friends! They are the coolest twins ever and they are so close it is adorable! They are like best friends pretty much.

*Jenns POV*

“Hey Maddie Just be careful when we get home.” I say 

“What why?” She asks giving me a confused look.
“Just be careful… Things are a little different.”
“Yeah I know there are boxes everywhere Jenn…”
“No it’s not that… Just… You’ll see” I say helping Maddie out the car. You see she doesn’t know there are 3 surprises at home that she doesn’t know about… We Told Arianna and Kayden to go too Maddie’s place to surprise her but she also doesn’t know that Troy actually came early!  He took the Same flight as the other two did and they met up and realised they all knew Maddie and that she was in hospital so they came here to surprise her! Trevor opens the door for Maddie then walks in after he then she stops dead in her tracks.
“TROY! ARI! KAYDEN!” Maddie screams Troy goes running towards Maddie and gives her a massive hug.

*Maddie’s POV*

I get inside and I spot Troy Arianna and Kayden! And I just scream! Troy came running towards me and he gives me a hug I missed his hugs I haven’t seen Troy for a year now and I missed him!
“Hey there Maddie!” Troy Mumbled So I can hear him.
“Troy!” I mumble with my head in his shoulder starting to tear up.
“I missed you!”
“I Missed you so much more.” This time I really was crying. Troy lets go of our hug then he notices me crying and wipes the tears off my cheeks and Kisses my forehead.
“Not possible!” He says
“I just made it possible.” I say walking over to Arianna and giving her a hug.
“Hey there Skit! Missed you heaps.” She says smiling and still hugging me.
“Hey there Ari missed you too!” I let her go then go over to Kayden.
“M-Dawg!” He says pulling me in for a hug.

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