Chapter 13

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Kians POV

It's been 2 days since the accident and Maddie still hasn't woken up... I've never left her side I just want her to wake up...
"Hey Skit... How ya doing? I miss you! We all do Me, Ricky, Jc, Sam, Trevor, Rebecca, and Jenn Heck even Connor! And you haven't met him yet! Jenn and Becca are going crazy! We just want you to wake up Skit... So everything can go back to normal... at least half normal it's never been completely normal for us! School officially started back today... Trevor didn't go though he refused to go without you going with him apparently because of a promise or something you two made... We found out that Trevor likes you too... he hasn't been out of his room lately... Unless he was coming straight here.

It's weird seeing you without makeup on! But I've gotten used to it now I miss you so fucking much little sis I want you to be here! For fuck sake wake up!" I say grabbing her hand and then starting to cry again. I look up to her face and notice a tear falling and I wipe it then it clicked... she could hear me...
"Maddie are you able to hear me? Squeeze my hand once for yes twice for no." I say She squeezed my hand twice.
"Smart ass! You haven't changed have you!?! Are you in any pain?" She squeezed once
"Do you want me to get a doctor?" Once again.
"I'll be back!" I Run outside the room and call for a doctor finally one comes I told him that she's awake. He takes out the oxygen tube so she can talk and starts doing little tests on her
"Kian!' She Mumbles A Smile came to my face.
"Hey Baby Girl!" Oh geez How I miss her voice!
"I love you!"
"I love you too little sis." I say Giving her a hug.
"Can you call Trevor, Jenn, Becca and Sam Please?" She asks Sitting up
"Sure thing."
"Hello?" I hear Trevor say... I thought I should call him first!
"Hey Kid I got some good news! Well actually great news!"
"What is it."
"Well it includes you getting out of your room and over too Jenn's and Sam's"
"KIAN! Just tell me!"
"Maddie's Awake Bro."
"I'll be right there!"

"They are on their way kiddo!" I say hanging up

"Kian that stuff you said about Trevor is that true?" She asks having a drink of water.
"Yeah he didn't want to start school until you were better and able to go too! He really likes you Maddie..." I explain
"What about you saying that I had to be careful because he had a look about him?" She asks giving me a confused look
"Yeah forget about that baby sis he likes you! You two have so much in common it actually scares me! I mean you two are the best singers ever!" I say giving Maddie a big hug.
"Wait... Kian you changed your hair! It's not blonde anymore you went back to brown!" She says Smiling and running her fingers through my hair. She's sitting up on the side of her bed so the doctor can check her breathing.
"Yeah you like it?" I ask
"It's cute!" She says giggling.
"When do you think she can head home Doc?" I ask.

YAY! SHE WOKE UP! Haha but yeah sorry about all the swearing too! i just started going through all the chapters and realised there is a lot so yeah... sorry!

But anyway most of you don't know this but I have a YouTube channel and I want you guys to help out!! on twitter ( @ninja_maddie ) I want you guys to ask me questions with the hash tag #MaddieQ&A
Don't forget to tag me in it and also if you do want to check out my channel just search up Maddie Howlett 😊😊 well ill see you soon!


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