chapter 10

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I hear a beeping sound and I notice it’s my phone so I grab it off my bed side table. *SCHOOL STARTS IN 2 DAYS.* What… No… Summer can’t be already over… Not yet no way.
“JENN! SAM!” I scream making Shadow jump and wake up.
“What?” Sam said running to my door.
“What happened babe!?!” Jenn says jumping to my side
“School…” I say.
“Yeah what about it?” Sam asked sitting next to me
“It starts in 2 days…” I say showing my phone to Sam then Jenn showing them the notification.
“But that means we won’t see you as much!” Jenn says hugging me.
“Or Trevor…” Sam says looking down.
“Maddie you, Trevor, Sam and I are going shopping at 12 today! Sam you text Trevor to tell him.” Jenn says
“But its 9 in the morning he wont be awake by then.” He explains.
“Just do it know Trevor he might be!” Jenn kind of yelled. So Sam walked out of the room with his phone and called Trevor.
“Hey Jenn… Quick question… Kian told me you were looking for a place to stay and well… Do you want to move in here you know with me! And even Rebecca!” I say. Jenn just looked up at me with a big smile on her face.
“Maddie! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! OF CORSE! WE WOULD LOVE TO! You’re like my sister!”
“I’ll take that as a yes then?”
“Hell yeah girl!” She screams hugging me!
“Oh My God! Maddie we have to call Rebecca!” She says grabbing her phone and getting Rebecca’s caller ID. We wait for her to pick up and she picks up almost instantly.
“REBECCA BLACK!” I yell into the phone
“OH MY GOD! BABY M DOG!” She screams
“Becca Maddie and I have the best news!” Jenn says.
“Well you know how we needed a place to stay? Well Maddie just said we can move in with her!” Jenn explains then all we hear is screaming over the phone
“How long do you think it will take for you guys to get here!” I say once the screaming was gone.
“About a week may be less!” Jenn says.
“I’ll Get Kian, Sam and Jc to help!” I say.
“And I’ll get Andrea!” Rebecca says.
“Ooo… Bad idea Becca… Remember the whole break up thing…” I say.
“Oh… Shit yeah sorry…”
“Hey!?! What are you sorry for!? I know she didn’t like me because of how close I am with my brother I mean what you expect! To be honest I’m glad Kian dumped her! But I know she’s your best friends so… who cares the important thing is you girls are moving in with me!”
“YEAH!!!” Jenn and Rebecca yell
“We better be going now anyway Bye bye Becca!” Jenn says
“Bye Babes!”
“Byyyyyyeeee!” I yell before Jenn hangs up the phone.
“HELL YEAH IT IS!” I say high fiving Jenn then Sam walks in.
“Hey Maddie Trevor’s keen to go he just has to get ready and then he wants to know if we can pick him up.”
“OF COURSE WE WILL TAKE YOU TREVOR! BE READY BY 12!!!” I yell. loud enough so Trevor will hear me.
“Hey Maddie can I borrow your bathroom so I can get ready.” Jenn asked
“Sure thing there is a spare one either downstairs or next to Kian’s old room.”“Sweet thanks.”  She says grabbing her backpack and walking to the bathroom. 
“I’ll take the one down stairs then!” Sam says putting his phone down next to mine and Jenn’s phones. 

Olla! Haha hey guys hows it going! this story is doing so well thanks so much for the 60 reads! So anyway dont forget to follow me on twitter! @ninja_maddie

Byee for nowww! -Maddie

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