Chapter 56

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I wake up with my alarm going off and I shut off the annoying repetitive sound.

Why did I even choose the Duck quacking sound anyway?

I notice my bags already packed since I packed them yesterday after I got back from hanging with Mark all day

Trevor is still asleep, He decided to stay for a second night since he wanted to drive Ava and I to the airport.

To be honest, Surprised he could sleep through my alarm...

I grab the spar clothes I put out on top of my bag and Slide on my blue short shorts (I made sure to check the weather back home first), A grey shirt that is longer at one side, and a black and white flannel with the sleeves rolled up. I grab my converse and put them to the side has I take my suitcase and back pack downstairs quietly.

Only to find Ava standing there with a grin on her face

"Everyone else is outside, They wanted to be awake before we leave so they can say goodbye." She says smiling

"Alright then lets say goodbye..." I sigh and she follows

"NO GOODBYES! WE ARE COMING TOO!" Kian yells and then he walks out with everyone behind him then they all walk out towards the car

"I'll go wake up Trevor..." I say walking up the stairs

"I'll throw your bags in the car" Kian says grabbing my bags and walking out the door with everyone behind.

I walk into my 'room' and see Trevor sitting on the edge of the bed shirtless and him running his hand through his hair

"Hey, You alright?" I ask and he looks up still with his hand through his hair

"Yeah, I just dont want you to go home..." He says standing up and putting his hands along his waist and I wrap my arms around his neck

"I dont want to go either, I'll be back next Sunday anyway so we can get this cover done." I say and he smirks

"Good, I'm keen to have some alone time. You are definitely staying at mine" He says smirking and gripping onto my waist tighter

"1, We will be in the studio most of the time. 2, It will be very rare if we do get time alone and 3, Stop being horny... We have to go" I say pecking his lips lightly

"Buzz kill" He says taking his hands away from my waist then putting on his shirt

"That's me" I say grabbing his left hand and leading him downstairs


We get to the air port and it hasn't changed a bit but surprisingly empty...

we soon get to where the other cant go any further and I instantly dread this moment, Ava is vlogging as usual and every one's smiling but Kian he's just staring at me with a small frown.

"Kian... I dont want to go..." I say running to him hugging him and he picks me up off the ground

"Good stay here!" He says trying to laugh but a sniffle comes out

"Ill say goodbye to the others, Then you" I say and he nods putting me down.

I say my final goodbyes to Ricky, Sam, Connor, Jc and JJ and then go over to Trevor and find him with a small smile.

I run over to him and hug him tight

"Let me know when you get back, I'll pick you up." He says and I nod letting a tear fall onto his shirt. after all these years I'm still short compared to him, My head only reaches his nose...

"Dont cry You'll make me cry." He says and I dig my face sideways into his shoulder letting out more tears

"I guess, I'll see you in a week?" I question while studdering

"It's definite..." He says sniffling.

"I love you Raccoon..." He says He still remembers that? I smile at the thought

"I love you too Trevvy..." I say

I look up to him to see him with tears filling his eyes making me want to hug him tighter but then Ava taps my shoulder letting me know that we have to go.

I nod and Trevor kisses my forehead then he kisses me properly. I let go of his embrace and move over to Kian where he hugs me almost making me pop.

"I love you Little girl." He says with his vice cracking

"Love you too Kiki" I say and he looks down at me smiling but with tears down his face.

Fuck sake it's like I'm moving all over again...

"You be safe, Make sure Sean looks after you." He says being over protective making me laugh

"He will, And so will I" I say


"Fuck thats us!" Ava says I let go of Kian as Ava grabs my arm

"Bye everyone!" We both yell and run towards our plane.

We only just made it on time in our seats and I open my laptop booking my flight back here for Sunday.

"Already?" Ava asks confused

"Have to... For work..." I sigh and she nods

"Elli wont let you breath will she?" she asks and I smile shaking my head

"No She does not..."

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