Chapter 47

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I wake up to a loud beeping sound only to find it is my alarm and its 5:30 in the morning...

We Stopped talking to Mark on skype at about 6:30 and then Jack when home at 7 because he had to do some editing so we made sure we said our goodbyes

I grab my suitcase and put it by my door and get changed into something comfortable for a long flight so I find some black leggings, black vans Hightops and a white t-shirt. I throw on some makeup just doing what I usually do but this time adding some Dark purple lipstick and tying my hair in a high pony tail.

I grab my phone and its charger and throw them into my backpack then starting to head downstairs only to find Ava awake and ready to go.

I leave some dry food and water for Shadow even though Sean said he was happy to look after her while we were gone.

"Lets go surprise a douche bag yeah?" I ask and she turns her camera to me 

"Fuck yeah!" She says and we start to walk out locking the door behind us and driving to the airport.

We just got through security and I hear someone calling out mine and Avas names only to find a small girl looking at the age of 11 with blonde straight hair and blue eyes with a phone in her hand

"Hi W- Would you mind if I took a picture with you guys?"She asks really nervous and Ava nods happily

"Of course sweetie!" I say smiling and we crouch down and smile with the little girl as she takes the selfie

"Thank you so much! I love you guys!" She says

"We love you too! Thanks for coming on our Travels with us!" Ava says because she ALWAYS vlogs every trip we go on.

"I'd better go before I miss my flight! Bye thank you so much!" She says before running off

"BYE!" We say in sync and then start to head to the plane.


We board the plane and when I sit down I take out my phone and send little airplane emoji's to Jc and then put on some music only for the first song to start playing was I Wanna Fly by Trevor so I quickly skip it. I really didn't want any memories to come back up for me to result in tears.

Now before you ask... Do I still like him? SHIT YEAH! and It fucking sucks! it's been four years since we broke up! And It's hard to get over him since we were together for a year and a half, but sometimes you just have to move on...


Within minutes of my continuous deep thoughts I pass out but only to be woken up what feels like seconds later by Ava shaking me and saying my name

"Im awake shut up!" I say taking out my headphones and putting them In my bag

"Come on we are here I already texted Jc and he is on his way! And we need to get our luggage!" She says dragging me out of the plane seat as I get my bag and she pushes me down the plane aisle like there are a million people around us when there is only one little old lady a few seats back.

I successfully get of the plane without Ava trying to kill me and we are just waiting for our luggage when I hear a small yell of someone yelling my name.

I turn around to find a girl looking the age of 14, blond curly hair and green eyes reminding me of Tash but only to find it was Tash and she was running towards me with Jc slugging behind.

"TASH!" I yell as she grips onto me like a koala like she did when she was little "Hey Baby!" I say and she smiles as I put her down and hug Jc

"Hey Maddie" He says gripping me tight

"Hey Jc, Kian doesnt know we are here right?" I ask and he shakes his head

"Nah he just thinks I'm picking Tash up from school, and getting a couple of things for his party tonight. Let me tell you it will get messy." He says as Ava passes me my suitcase

"Tash I'll drive you home at 6:30" I say and we all start to head to the car.

"AW! Cant I stay for a little longer! Maddie I havent seen you since last summer" She whines and I shake my head

"By the sounds of thinks it doesn't sound good for a 14 yr old. Plus Nan and Pop wont be to happy if you stay.." I say and she moans and I mess her hair up, Giving me a death glare she starts to fix it and I poke my tongue out at her.

"Family love ay?" I hear Ava say to her camera and she starts to explain whats going on

"Hey Jc mind if we stop by the liqueur store? I might grab a case of beer for Kian and something for me to drink." I say 

"Sure think I have to stop to get food and other shit anyway" He says throwing my bag in the back of his Jeep and I call shotgun getting into the front only to find Jc's car has no doors.

"No doors... Nice touch might need to do this to my jeep" I say winking and he scruffs up my hair


We get to Jc, Kian and JJ's new place they brought a while back and Jc places mine and Ava's bags inside by the door and gives us the all clear. I pick up Kian's beer thats has a bow on it and Ava carries our drinks with her camera in her other hand because she wanted it to be on her channel.

"Go ahead of me let him get a little sussed." I say and Jc goes ahead with Tash behind and then Ava close behind

"Hey Jc, Took your - Ava? What are you doing here?" I hear Kian say 

"Same think as everyone else, Here to celebrate my best friends big 23rd." She says I can already tell they are hugging and Then I see a thumbs up behind Jc's Back so I walk out from the corner I'm hiding from.

"Yo this place is messy as fuck!" I say walking out acting disgusted but as soon as I see Kian I break out in the biggest smile and he stands there dumbfounded.

"M... Mad... Baby sis!" He yells with his arms out wide and i run towards him hugging hum and latching onto him.

"Hey KiKi... Happy birthday!" I mumble in his shirt struggling not to cry. I haven't seen him in 2 years and hugging him is the best feeling

"I dont care what anyone says... This is the best present ever!" He says with a couple cracks in his voice, I look up to find him in tears and I hug him tighter, making more tears fall from him and myself.

This Chapter I love... I dont know why I just do. I might post another chapter today for you all Because I'm so nice :)


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